This is my son, heady with a sugar rush that can only come from eating a chocolate cupcake all by yourself on your birthday!
I have ordered his first online album. I squeezed 100 pages into it and when it would hold no more, I had to fine tune it and have it ordered. Cost...gulp over $150 dollars. Still, when you think about it that way, that is just over a dollar a page and when you add up the cost of printing photos, buying cute embellishments and paper, pages and the album, it comes out to a lot more than $1 a page. Cm's pages alone are over $1 and that is before adding the fun stuff, not to mention a protector. I think the fact that you pay for scrapbook pages a little here and a little there, makes it easier than when you plop down the whole lump sum at once.
I am caught up on his professional album as well, but I forgot to have it out at his party. Man! I worked so hard on that book just so it would be done in time for his party. I like having both books. I was able to do a couple of pages on his haircut in the scrapbook album and include things like his absolutely adorable curls, and his little certificate, stickers that they used to amuse him and even the receipt. Yes, in this case, I saved the receipt. In my defense, it says, "First haircut" on it and has the price...OK, I debated on whether or not to save it and I chose to. I couldn't toss it!
On to another topic: My camera. Well, my camera sustained at least one blunt force trauma on our latest vacation. It isn't doing well. The dents and scratches on the outside are fine. But it's the fact that the flash is askew that disturbs me to no end. Especially in the winter when I have no choice but to take pictures indoors. I need a good flash. This puts more than a little sport into my picture taking! I now am challenged to take pictures that are decent, with the crippled camera that I have. I love a good challenge! Have you ever tried to take a picture of a one year old boy, indoors, in the winter, without a flash. This should be an Olympic sport! Not only do you have to hold extra still as you click , but your subject needs to be holding extremely still as well. I was disappointed not to find a camera under the tree, because I was a pretty good girl this year, and I had really hinted and hinted to my husband that I wanted one. :( But for now, I have to make do with my little canon. Like I said before, I love a good challenge!
Ideas for Birthday pictures:
A picture of the party site all decorated
close up of signs or decorations,
themed plates,
food set out
the cake
the birthday boy or girl blowing out the candles
( This is tricky! But you can get this shot! Be very aware of the birthday song, and click the second it ends.)
the cake and the birthday person
pictures of everyone who attends
I like to have the person who is giving the present come up and stand or sit beside my child as they open the gift. This serves several purposes. 1. The person is
guaranteed a good view! 2. The child knows who the gift is from 3. The child is able to thank them immediately and comment on the gift. (if they can speak!) 4. I can get a picture of them with the birthday girl or boy.
pictures of games being played
make sure to get a picture of the person behind the camera
(we get a family shot usually taken by the last guest departing)
make sure to get a photo of the birthday honoree by themselves!
photos of the gifts before and after opening
Everyone singing happy birthday
The kids faces as the cake is carried out
Scrap Happy!