There comes an age where your child gets tired of mugging for the camera, and starts to avoid it. We are testing the waters of this age right now. It depends on the day or time, just as when I offer food. Sometimes she likes it, and sometimes she won't even try it. I am talking of the same food. It can vary that much from day to day. This is the way it is with pictures. I pull out the camera and hold my breath a little. "Will today be a day that she'll let me take a picture?" Someday, I can see myself explaining to her why there are more pictures of her brother than of her when she was 7. He doesn't mind the camera yet! Until this phase passes, and I'm sure it will, I will content myself with the photos that I can get. The little glimpses into life as a 7 year old. Without pictures, I'll be sure to journal in her album of this time. I'll tell her how thankful I am that I can trust her to play nicely with her baby brother so that I can get a shower or make dinner. I'll remind her of the girl who won't play in her room when it's clean because she doesn't want it to get messy again. My collecter who hoards TV tickets for a week and then uses them all in one day. A little lady who gives herself a shower and brushes her own hair, and smooths the bumps out with water because she wants to look her best. My grown up daughter who made heart cookies in her Easy Bake Oven all by herself after breakfast. Lastly, a beautiful little girl who still picks a huge handful of daffodils for her mama.
Scrap Happy!
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