My daughter's first day of school. She's holding up 3 fingers for 3rd grade. (her idea!) I was trying to frame her in the shot using the rose of sharon bush.
I have piles of photos on my desk right now. Seriously! I was so behind in ordering pictures, that I took hours uploading and ordered over 600 pictures for my daughter's scrapbook. I really haven't even been in the mood to scrapbook until my giant package of pics came. Then I started to think about it! I just don't feel like I have time to scrapbook right now. But I definately need that creative outlet. I painted with my daughter and couldn't believe how much I enjoyed just letting those creative juices flow!
I ordered an album in July from Creative Memories and used up an entire day of my life trying to order it. There was something wrong on their end and they were having problems getting larger books to work. After it was all said and done, I was able to get them to knock off $40, but it wasn't without a lot of phone calls all day trying to fix the problem. The album cost me almost $100 and they really messed the cover up. During several of my phone calls, I honestly told them that I was so frustrated with the company, problems I was having with ordering the book and the fact that no one would let me talk to a manager, that I was going to quit using Creative Memories. I was serious. Thankfully, one nice manager finally offered me the refund I was demanding, and made me feel a little better about Creative Memories. I have always been their biggest fan.
I had a great summer! I got to take pictures of the kids gardening, enjoying the children's museum, exploring various parks, and the zoo, losing a tooth and playing at the beach.
It's hard to believe that fall is coming next week! I already took the first day of school pictures, even though I homeschool, so my daughter doesn't really even need to go outside to "go" to school! We took pictures out there anyway. I also took her to JcPenny the day after she lost her front tooth to get her school pictures taken. I don't know why more parents don't do that for their kids school pictures. When you get the photos from the school, you have to buy their package and you can't choose a picture! At JcPenny, I use a coupon and get to choose the pictures I want and what sizes. I have always wanted to go there for sports pictures, too. I never have. But the lady who takes the sports photos around here is not the best, and I didn't even order her pictures the last time. I took them myself! I actually prefer my photos to the ones JcPenny's photographers take lately! I take tons of pictures of the kids and I know what to say to get my 8 year old to smile a non-cheesy grin! I took her to JcPenny this time because I wanted her to feel important and I wanted a school plain backdrop.
Is it just me, or have people lost their desire to do their best? I'm not just talking about taking photographs, I'm talking about all kinds of projects we have had done and aren't happy with the results. I sometimes think, "Is it just me? Am I being overly critical?" You know you can get in those moods sometimes. But there are times when I have paid to have something done and I'm very satisfied with it...uh oh! I have completely gone off topic! I'm sorry! I just try and do my best when I have a job to do and I expect everyone around me to do the same. Especially if I'm paying you!
Better get back to cleaning up and potty training and laundry. :)
If you get the chance, scrap for me will you?
Scrap Happy!