s How can you make it stand out? Here are some tips that work:
a Get it enlarged
a mat it, once twice or even thrice!
a give it it's own page.
a where do you look first when you look at a page? I like to place my favorite pictures towards the outside of the page, or right in the center of the page.
a put a sticker overlapping one of the corners of the picture
I finished part of what I wanted to get done in my daughter's album. I was able to show my aunt my completed trip to Arizona, so that was a relief! I also did something I had never done with pictures. My husband and I made a DVD of pictures set to music to show to everyone at my daughter's birthday party. I was pleased with the results, and my daughter can watch it over and over. It was a lot of work, but most of it was unnecessary, because I was learning, and didn't know what I was doing!
Scrap Happy!
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