I have used the zoo sticker pack that Creative Memories makes TWICE now. Since we go to the zoo once a year, and Animal Kingdom the same amount, I have to be somewhat creative when I do zoo pages. For these pages, I used this paper throughout the zoo pages, as well as a deep red paper the same shade as the flowers. I cut out the flowers from the paper from time to time, to add a little something to the pages. I used the same color of letter stickers, and I still haven't even journalled yet. The pages are plain, but I think they are fun!
Tip of the Day: Zoo pictures are great! But make sure you take enough pics of people you are with, too. Put at least one picture of a person on a page with all those animals, or the viewer will most likely lose interest. If you can get pictures of your loved one interacting with the animals in any way, that's the best!
Scrap Happy!
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