You know those times when you wish you had a camera? Well, I had a moment like that last evening. In the lighting, and just the perfect way my daughter was standing right in front of me when she reached out to pop the bubbles I was blowing, I saw her perfect reflection in the bubble! It would have made the perfect picture! Quickly, I ran into the house to get my camera before the light changed, asking my husband to refill the bubble wand as I raced by. But alas, I never was able to catch that picture. :( It floats in my head instead, taunting me! However, as we played with the bubbles, taking turns watching as one of us ran with the bubble wand while bubbles billowed out behind us, I was able to catch this picture, which I like a lot. I love the way the light is shining, and that my daughter is running toward it. It's some small consolation for not getting the picture I wanted.
I have completed several pages, although I feel stuck right now on a 2 page spread of all the various things we did in May. I just can't tie these 2 pages together, and I so desperately want to. So, I put them aside, because obviously the DVD I was watching was too interesting to pay attention to my scrapbooking!
Scrap Happy!
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