We were there in August, and you would expect the chocolate to be melting at that time of the year in Pennsylvania! Instead, it was chilly and rainy. We toured Chocolate World, and rode the "How chocolate is made" ride over and over again because my daughter loved it. It's free and they even give you free chocolate at the end of the ride! In the land where nothing is free, it was a nice change! Because of the rain, our plans had to change slightly because we couldn't spend time at the water park and even the amusement park would have been miserable in the cold rain. But we ended up finding some other surprises! We found a Diner (The Soda Jerk) that was awesome! It was right next door to a candy store, where we went crazy and spent $10 on all kinds of candy! We also went to the Harrisburg mall where we spent a good hour in the Old Pro Bass Shop. Ok, neither my husband nor I fish or hunt, but the store was really cool! My daughter really loved it. They had tons of "stuffed" animals acting out various scenes. ( My daughter and I always looked for the bullet wound.) They had a huge "mountain in the middle of the store that you could climb (with the proper shoes!), and a huge tank of fish. My daughter loved climbing onto the various boats, and we played putt putt with the test clubs! I only wish I had taken some pictures there! One night, we gave in and went to Hershey Park in the pouring rain. We did get a lot accomlished, in spite of the rain, which reminded me of bullets as I rode a coaster in the rain. Ouch! The next day, our last day in Hershey, the rain stopped at last, and we were able to tour the amusement park along with the hordes of others who had been waiting for the same thing! Overall, it was a good trip! You just can't beat the smell of chocolate in the air!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: If you are going on a trip and can think of specific pictures that you want to take, make sure you write the ideas down, take that list with you, and put it in a place that you will find it when you are there, maybe in with your toiletries!
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