"Can I wear my pajama's to do school?" My daughter asked me on her official first day of school. Considering that I had spent at least 20 minutes in my bed the night before mentally going through her clothes for the perfect outfit, it was bittersweet to give up my dream and tell her yes. Watching her walk down the steps in her pajamas, carrying her new princess backpack directly in front of her, didn't bring up the smallest teardrop! I knew that she wasn't going away for school, but rather just to the front porch for that traditional "first day of school" picture!
Even though it is only kindergarten, it's time consuming! So, I gave up my picture perfect living room in favor of a table that I can leave my pictures and scrapping supplies out on full time, until I can catch up on her albums. I do feel like I'm making more headway now in her albums, and I'm not stuck away in my basement by myself. Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do!
are u homeschooling?