I now am going to tell you a sad story. Oh, no! Don't get out your tissues, it's not THAT bad. But to me, sad. This week, my Homeschool Mom's group (Chai) went away for a little retreat. It was a chipper day, but we still took a hike and later, a brisk walk. We saw deer on our hike, thought the air smelled cleaner out in the woods, and just talked and laughed for hours on end! Definately something I want to remember! The sad part came when we wanted to get a group picture of the 7 of us. Three of us had cameras, but none of us knew how to set our cameras to take a timed picture. So, I ended up taking this picture of everyone else, and one of the other girls took a picture of 6 of us without her. Sad, sad, sad. Although I sat there and played with my camera for a good while, I just couldn't figure it out. I think I will always regret this. I even have a photo to remind me of my regret. Ug. The thing is, I have had my camera for over a year, but I obviously don't use this feature. Usually, I ask strangers to take a picture of my family, or I take a picture of the 3 of us by holding my arm out and clicking. I knew how to use this feature on my old camera, so I figured it would be easy to do. But I have learned the hard way," Different camera, different way of taking an auto picture!" I plan on spending some time with my camera manual this afternoon.
Scrap Happy!