Hello Katrina! Welcome to Pennsylvania! All you do is give me an excuse to scrapbook, because it's too yucky to do anything outside and who can afford the gas to drive anywhere anymore? I have once again been working on the book that I'm doing for someone else. This is because I received a call from someone else who wants me to do a book as a gift for their grandparents, and I realized that I'd better get working! I really do love what I'm doing!
I am not up to date on my little girl's book because I am having a journalling issue. So, I borrowed some books from the library to help me know what it is I want to put down on these pages. I really have to say that I like my work recently! That's always good! But now I'm having this writer's block on my pages. AG!
Tip of the Day: The library is a great source of information! And you can't beat it, because it's free! You are not limited to the books at the actual library you visit either. There is a huge system out there to choose from. I have started to request books via the internet because it is easier and doesn't take up my favorite librarian's time. Just go to your local library's website to find out how to request any number of books. I recently have gotten idea books by Memory Makers magazine, and journalling books including hand writing books, different fonts, there is just no limit really to the resources you can get from your local library.
Scrap Happy!
All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Beach bliss
First I just wanted to let everyone know that our softball team won the championship game today! I almost cried! They absolutely loved the album we made for them, too. Who is it that told me boys don't like albums? They actually credited it as the reason for the win! We took even more pictures today, and as someone suggested, I think it would be fun to get all the ladies together to scrapbook the playoffs! But not until I get back from my vacation! I'm so excited about my vacation! I really need one, because I'm really not able to let myself have a whole lot of down time. I'm always thinking or planning for my business. So, it's good for me to get away for a little bit.
Tip of the Day: Don't set impossible goals for yourself! You know what kind of a scrapbooker you are, and how much you can reasonably accomplish in whatever time. If you set outrageous goals that you can't possibly complete, then you will only end up disappointed and still behind in your scrapboking. I speak from experience. While I have completed a lot in this time before my trip, I was dreaming too big expecting to catch up on 3 months worth of photos in just a few weeks. Maybe I can try to get the rest done by the time my beach pictures are developed!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Don't set impossible goals for yourself! You know what kind of a scrapbooker you are, and how much you can reasonably accomplish in whatever time. If you set outrageous goals that you can't possibly complete, then you will only end up disappointed and still behind in your scrapboking. I speak from experience. While I have completed a lot in this time before my trip, I was dreaming too big expecting to catch up on 3 months worth of photos in just a few weeks. Maybe I can try to get the rest done by the time my beach pictures are developed!
Scrap Happy!
The power of NEW!
There are so many new things from Creative Memories lately! This isn't a plug, seriously! I just find that I'm getting inspired now by looking at the different paper and stickers. I have been pushing to get this album completed, and I find that I'm getting page ideas even as I walk around Kennywood! The problem is holding onto these ideas until I can put them into my album! I think that the more I work on my daughter's album, the more inspired I get. Weird, because I was having so much trouble thinking up page ideas when I wasn't working on anything.
Tip of the Day:
This tip goes along with what I wrote the other day. I have a page every month where I put a collection of pictures that didn't go anywhere else. For instance, in May, I have a picture from Mother's Day, a picture of my girl with her nursery teacher since it was her last time in the nursery, and a random pic from her party, and some relatives we saw that month. On this monthly "random" page, I usually will look at my calendar and write all the things I jotted down for that month, on that page. This gives every memory a home of it's own!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day:
This tip goes along with what I wrote the other day. I have a page every month where I put a collection of pictures that didn't go anywhere else. For instance, in May, I have a picture from Mother's Day, a picture of my girl with her nursery teacher since it was her last time in the nursery, and a random pic from her party, and some relatives we saw that month. On this monthly "random" page, I usually will look at my calendar and write all the things I jotted down for that month, on that page. This gives every memory a home of it's own!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Fans of the Game
Tonight I got together with other wives and girlfriends of our church's softball team. This season has really been a great one. We ended the season 15-7. We wanted to show our guys how much they mean to us, so we made them a little album. It was the first time that I've ever worked on an album with a group of people, and it really was fun! I had everyone over to my place, because I had every tool we'd need, as well as my whole workshop room to scrapbook in. I supplied everything, except most of the other girls brought their tape runners as well. It went really quickly with all of us working together! I can't wait to see the guy's faces when we give it to them at their playoff games this weekend. I just know some of those tough guys are going to tear up when they see it! We are going to be taking lots of pictures at the playoffs because this might be the year we take first place!
Tip of the Day: When planning a team album, try to get one picture per player so that you can really put them in the spotlight. Even team pictures rarely end up having every player in them. I wish that I had pictures of every player by them selves, so that I could have written out their full name and their jersey #, and maybe something that they are known for saying or doing. Well, there's always next year!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: When planning a team album, try to get one picture per player so that you can really put them in the spotlight. Even team pictures rarely end up having every player in them. I wish that I had pictures of every player by them selves, so that I could have written out their full name and their jersey #, and maybe something that they are known for saying or doing. Well, there's always next year!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
pictures and remembering
I have been working everyday on my daughter's album. I sorted through the pictures last night, and I can't see how I could ever get caught up with the summer months by the time our vacation gets here! I had no idea that I'd taken so many pictures! It looks like I will be starting another album soon as this one is almost filled to capacity. This will bring my girl's album total up to an astounding 6 albums! I must be documenting every moment of her life. But you know, when I look back, I'm so glad that I have, because you forget those little things they say one month afterward, even if they say it every day for a month!
Tip of the Day:
I don't keep a fancy little journal to remember the little things my toddler says or does. I simply jot them down on my kitchen calendar when I remember. When I scrapbook, I often grab my calendar to help me keep track of what happened that month. I sometimes like to jot down what I took a picture of, too. This works well for those times you find your self wondering which direction is up in the picture, and what is she doing with that purple blob?
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day:
I don't keep a fancy little journal to remember the little things my toddler says or does. I simply jot them down on my kitchen calendar when I remember. When I scrapbook, I often grab my calendar to help me keep track of what happened that month. I sometimes like to jot down what I took a picture of, too. This works well for those times you find your self wondering which direction is up in the picture, and what is she doing with that purple blob?
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
My busy life
I have been busy with a concert, my wonderful scrapbooking business, and a week long visit from my cousin, and haven't gotten to scrapbook in a while. But I have still been taking pictures, which I will need to put into an album soon! My goal of getting all caught up in my daughter's album by the time I go on vacation, is looking like the impossible dream at this point! But I have you to keep me accountable! I'll report my progress. I have one week!
Tip of the Day: When you first get your photos and look through them, you can save time by separating them into 2 piles (doubles) and putting duds in the trash right then as well. This is also the best time to pull out your negatives for the ones you wish to get copied or enlarged. Creative Memories has several different items that help me to keep organized. Folders sized to fit your photos, as well as negative files designed to keep your negatives safe. Label an envelope "doubles~ spring 2005" or separate the photos with envelopes labeled with names on them to give to different people. If I don't do it right away, I don't always remember to do it later! If you aren't going to get your photos into albums for awhile, you could use a photo labelling pencil to jot down names, dates, and what was going on in the photo on the back of it. This really comes in handy later, trust me!
Tip of the Day: When you first get your photos and look through them, you can save time by separating them into 2 piles (doubles) and putting duds in the trash right then as well. This is also the best time to pull out your negatives for the ones you wish to get copied or enlarged. Creative Memories has several different items that help me to keep organized. Folders sized to fit your photos, as well as negative files designed to keep your negatives safe. Label an envelope "doubles~ spring 2005" or separate the photos with envelopes labeled with names on them to give to different people. If I don't do it right away, I don't always remember to do it later! If you aren't going to get your photos into albums for awhile, you could use a photo labelling pencil to jot down names, dates, and what was going on in the photo on the back of it. This really comes in handy later, trust me!
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