All you Need is Love

All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013

Saturday, August 06, 2005

My busy life

I have been busy with a concert, my wonderful scrapbooking business, and a week long visit from my cousin, and haven't gotten to scrapbook in a while. But I have still been taking pictures, which I will need to put into an album soon! My goal of getting all caught up in my daughter's album by the time I go on vacation, is looking like the impossible dream at this point! But I have you to keep me accountable! I'll report my progress. I have one week!

Tip of the Day: When you first get your photos and look through them, you can save time by separating them into 2 piles (doubles) and putting duds in the trash right then as well. This is also the best time to pull out your negatives for the ones you wish to get copied or enlarged. Creative Memories has several different items that help me to keep organized. Folders sized to fit your photos, as well as negative files designed to keep your negatives safe. Label an envelope "doubles~ spring 2005" or separate the photos with envelopes labeled with names on them to give to different people. If I don't do it right away, I don't always remember to do it later! If you aren't going to get your photos into albums for awhile, you could use a photo labelling pencil to jot down names, dates, and what was going on in the photo on the back of it. This really comes in handy later, trust me!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I hate when I get the doubles all mixed up. It is soooo hard to unscramble, esp if you have several rolls from the same event, like a wedding.cs
