Happy Easter! Yesterday, I had an Easter egg hunt and Easter activities for my daughter and Daniel. I tried to get some different shots, trying different angles and such. I was satisfied with the results for the most part! I still haven't figured out how to take good action shots on this camera! I had a hard time trying to get pictures of my daughter finding eggs, simply because she moves so fast!
Now that I have my new camera, I have fallen hopelessly behind on my scrapbooking! I'm taking more, and I think better pictures, and photography has shifted slightly ahead of scrapbooking.
I was able to scrapbook this weekend, though! Two nights in a row, I met with friends and set aside time to scrapbook. My problem was that I can work for hours, not feeling like I am happy with the pages I'm making, and then I start to get better at them about 2am. Then I don't want to stop, even though I know I'll be sorry in the morning!
I am currently scrapping my Disney vacation pictures. This should be pure fun, but it isn't! For one thing, I made a mistake on my retreat, and it took me all of Friday evening to fix it. I had laid out all of my pages, planning it so that I have my 2 page spreads , and everything is just so. I have to tell you that I don't do that for everything, but Disney trips are very special to me! So, when I was on the retreat and combined what I had planned to make 2 pages, it threw everything off!
Another obstacle is that I decided I wanted stitch to be on every page. I couldn't get stickers that I was happy with, so I purchased a coloring book at Disney World, colored the pictures I wanted with colored pencils, and then my husband scanned them, shrunk them, and printed them out on acid free/lignin free paper. I then meticulously cut them out and have been adhering them carefully to each page with tape runner. I don't just stick them anywhere of course. I try to make them go somewhat with the theme of the page. (sigh) Yes, it's not easy, but I think J will like looking for the Stitches on every page. For those of you who don't like Stitch and wonder WHY I'm doing this: At Disney World, Stitch is supposed to be running all over; he even takes over on the wake-up calls! So, I have wanted to include him on every page for a while now, years! I just couldn't figure out how to do it! Also, I figured this year would be the perfect year to do that theme because we stayed at the Polynesian resort, "home" to Lilo and Stitch.
Tip of the Day: If you have a mild case of OCD like I do, you might find it helpful to write down a plan for your pages.On a blank sheet of paper, I simply draw little rectangles, each one standing for a scrapbook page. Using a pencil, I fill in each rectangle with a title, something that will let me know what is supposed to be on the page. This way, if I end up having 2 pages of pictures of the parade, I can make sure I put them facing each other. Pencil is important because I rarely get it right the first time!
Scrap Happy!