A lot of times when people see my pages for the first time, they comment on how simple they are. There really isn't a whole lot going on, but then again, there doesn't need to be! I love straight lines, a well placed sticker, and descriptive writing. I also like titles, and pictures that tell the story.Last week, a fellow scrapbooker was looking at a page I'd just finished and she said, " See, that's what I need to do. Just make plain pages! Then I wouldn't be so far behind." Inside, I cringed! NO! Don't say THAT!!!! I still spend a lot of time choosing paper colors and matching stickers with the pictures. I hate to think of my pages as plain, but if you call them simple, that describes them just right!
Tip of the day: Want some ideas for different Easter pictures?
* take pictures of the kids facial expressions as they open the plastic eggs filled with goodies.
* take close ups of their tiny hands as they hold eggs in their hands to color them with a crayon before dying them
* Toss the colored eggs in a basket and have them hold it for a photo. (usually I do this in her Easter dress)
*Take unposed pictures of your kids looking for their Easter baskets, your toddler chewing on the only egg he found, and your angel pouring the cups of dye together to overflowing. Basically, take pictures as life happens
*I always take a picture of my daughter at church. One year, I made sure to have the stained glass windows in the backround, often I take her picture on the stage after service, in front of all the lovely Easter flowers. Sometimes I take a picture of her with her little friends, who are dressed in their Easter finery as well. If it's nice, get a picture outside of your church. The doors of our church make a beautiful backdrop.
*I always take a picture of my daughter with her filled basket. That might not be original, but I like to write down what is inside it each year, and I like a picture to go with that. Her tastes change so much from year to year, that I already get a kick out of looking back at what I got her last year!
*In Crayon, my friend writes her child's name on an egg, along with the year (07) and takes a close up of it every year.
*Any tradition you have should be documented. If you read the Easter story to your kids, have someone catch a few pictures of that. Take pictures of what you want to remember!
Scrap Happy!
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