I love to include 8x10s in my albums. Now that I have my digital camera and have to order each photo rather than just getting the whole roll developed, I occasionally order larger sizes, such as 8x10s and 5x7s of pictures I want to show off a little more. This really works well for group photos, so that you can see everyone. I encourage you to work with larger pictures as well. Especially if you use a 12x12 album. If you look closely at the picture above, you can see that I have used corners on my picture, rather than taping it into the book. I did this because I used to remove pictures from the book and place them into frames in my living room, and then replace them in the book. Now that I've realized that my pictures can get damaged while in the frames, and that it is hard on the pages, taking them in and out, as well as hard on the photos corners, I have decided to stop doing this.
Scrap Happy!
Thanks for showing your books! Its great to see samples of what you are describing!!!!! Your pages are beautiful!