I did some pajama scrapping last night, laying out pictures for all of the pages I have yet to do. I ran into a slight problem, as always! Creative memories is coming out with gold flecked pages! I saw them and thought that they would look perfect with my beach pictures! My problem? They don't come out until October and I can't order right away because I am waiting until I get a few more orders. Soooo...I laid out the pictures and even planned out 2 pages, which was more time consuming than if I had just put them on the page to begin with! I'm just afraid of getting behind. I'm so close to being caught up with her album, I can taste it! I'm going to see if someone can order a pack of pages for me. Until then, I wait!
Tip of the Day: Did you know that CM is coming out with an album that you can make using pictures you have taken digitally? I have seen one, and it was beautiful! The quality was incredible! It's like a book, a picture book. You can fit more pages into it than you can in a 12x12 album, but it is smaller (8 1/2 x 11) and is so light to carry and show off! I might make myself a Disney album, since I had to stop scrapping for myself a while ago. I can use the photos I sent to Snapfish to make this. It's exciting!
Scrap Happy!