Ok, people! I now have only ONE page to complete of my Disney Trip! I know I can finish it tonight! I am so proud of myself! I set this as a goal, mostly because I don't want to get any further behind in my daughter's album and we are leaving for the beach tomorrow. I'm going to take this trip's pages (there are many!) and my cruise pages, and hopefully journal them in the evenings. Those of you who live nearby will get to see them when I get home, because you know I will be attempting to show them to everyone I know! Happy last week of August, and as always...
Scrap Happy!
All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
midnight snack
After writing my blog last night, I wanted to scrapbook so badly! Since it was already 11pm, I told myself I could only work a little while. That's what I did, just an hour's worth of work to complete the next page. Yes, I didn't accomplish much! I also realized that I had skipped an event, but there is no going back now, so I'll have to get over it! (Actually, I ended up going back and taking the one page I'd done out of order apart and fit in the pages I'd skipped. I would never have been happy with it if I didn't do it correctly!-edited 9/1/06)I have more to get done than I thought when I wrote last night! But I am still happy with my progress, and hoping to get it completed by Saturday, so that I can take it along to the beach and journal at night when there isn't anything else to do! I am taking my cruise pages as well, to journal them. When I come back, with several more rolls of film that need developed, I should only have to do all of summer to get current in my daughter's album!
Tip of the Day: Stickers need to be used with in 2 years of when they are purchased, for best results and stickiness!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Stickers need to be used with in 2 years of when they are purchased, for best results and stickiness!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Disney scrapping

I have been scrapping our vacation to Disney (last December) and since I am making simple pages, I am really making headway. It's really fun to look back and see everything that we did! We had fun. I amjust getting to the day that my husband got food poisoning! Can you believe that we even have a photo of him in the restaurant he ate the ribs that we believe made him sick 14 hours later? Weird, huh? I must be nearing the end of our trip! That kind of did us in. We left early. The new Disney snap pack has patterned paper that I just love! I like to use silly little sayings and take them out of context as page titles. "Seeing Stars" -Disney Stars of course! "Parade with character" -Disney caracters! It's really corny, but I usually use the first thing that pops into my head! Hey, I'm having fun!
Monday, August 21, 2006
just a little note...
I didn't mean to not tell you how the tournament went! The team did pretty well. We didn't win, but we did get a huge trophy for winning the division, so it was Ok. I was able to get the pictures I needed to add to the album, and we had a great time fellowshipping together.
I was writing a little note to my cousin, telling her all of the things that we have done this summer. It ended up being a long note! We have really done a lot! I think we packed nearly every summer thing into this one summer! It has been great! The best thing is that it's not over yet! It might take me into the new year to scrap all of these moments, but won't that keep me warmer for longer!?!
Tip of the Day: Your kids can help you journal! Really! Jot down a few questions and ask them. Then put their answers in their album. What was your favorite animal at the zoo? What was the best thing that happened at the waterpark? What was your favorite dish at the family picnic? Write their memories!
Scrap Happy!
I was writing a little note to my cousin, telling her all of the things that we have done this summer. It ended up being a long note! We have really done a lot! I think we packed nearly every summer thing into this one summer! It has been great! The best thing is that it's not over yet! It might take me into the new year to scrap all of these moments, but won't that keep me warmer for longer!?!
Tip of the Day: Your kids can help you journal! Really! Jot down a few questions and ask them. Then put their answers in their album. What was your favorite animal at the zoo? What was the best thing that happened at the waterpark? What was your favorite dish at the family picnic? Write their memories!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Vellum Workshop
Friday night at my house was scrapbooking night! We accomplished a lot! Well, MOST of us did! 3 of us stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. The DJ on the radio kept reminding us it was after midnight, and we would groan! I finished laying out the Disney trip, and started to scrap the pages! I was bookin'! I got so much done and it felt great! I am really trying to not make the pages so complicated, because I know that I won't ever get caught up if I do too much. I have been watching to leave adequate space for journaling, too.
We want to have a weekend get away, so that will be my next project! It would be so much fun to have nothing but scrapping on the itinerary for a whole weekend! Spending it with friends would be the icing on the cake!
If you are interested in coming to our get away, please e-mail me!
Keep on scrappin'!
Tip of the Day: We had a crop talk on vellum at this workshop. This prompted one of my friends to use vellum on her page. She had 2 black and white photos of her son, and wanted to put them by themselves on the 12x12 page. But they would have been lost on there by themselves. She had a sheet of patterned paper, but didn't want it to take away from her picture. It was a group effort! We all gave our input and she took what she wanted from our advice and decided to place vellum on the patterned paper, making it softer. All she did was take the patterned paper and size it to the black page so that she left black all the way around the paper. Kind of like a mat. Then she laid the vellum on top of the pattern paper, having cropped it so that there was an even amount of pattern paper showing all the way around the vellum. (Another mat.) Then she placed the 2 pics on, and added just a touch of color with a bucket of sand sticker and a shovel , both off to the inside bottom corner of the page. This way, they draw the viewer's eye in toward the page, and help them to notice the pictures. She added a phrase about dirt, and the page was complete!
Scrap Happy!
We want to have a weekend get away, so that will be my next project! It would be so much fun to have nothing but scrapping on the itinerary for a whole weekend! Spending it with friends would be the icing on the cake!
If you are interested in coming to our get away, please e-mail me!
Keep on scrappin'!
Tip of the Day: We had a crop talk on vellum at this workshop. This prompted one of my friends to use vellum on her page. She had 2 black and white photos of her son, and wanted to put them by themselves on the 12x12 page. But they would have been lost on there by themselves. She had a sheet of patterned paper, but didn't want it to take away from her picture. It was a group effort! We all gave our input and she took what she wanted from our advice and decided to place vellum on the patterned paper, making it softer. All she did was take the patterned paper and size it to the black page so that she left black all the way around the paper. Kind of like a mat. Then she laid the vellum on top of the pattern paper, having cropped it so that there was an even amount of pattern paper showing all the way around the vellum. (Another mat.) Then she placed the 2 pics on, and added just a touch of color with a bucket of sand sticker and a shovel , both off to the inside bottom corner of the page. This way, they draw the viewer's eye in toward the page, and help them to notice the pictures. She added a phrase about dirt, and the page was complete!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 18, 2006
To a Beautiful Person
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring.He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe, but He chose your heart.
Face it friend, He is crazy about you!
God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
power me up!
Not to get ahead of myself, but I started to use the new power sort layouts for the vaca we took last November. I had just skipped over it completely in my daughter's album because I was getting too far behind. I love the power layouts! The guides you use stay flat, while having a pile of pages tends to curve. I also think pictures stay in place a lot better on the power sort guides. They tend to shift and slide when just laid out on pages. I have been using the power sort method for years, without the box. I just lay my pics out on pages instead. It's really nice to have the box there to keep them in. It keeps them from getting dusty (that is a problem I have had!) and it should keep them from shifting so that my pictures won't end up getting bent from sliding off the page when I move it. So, I'm really making headway! I'm cropping my pictures as I put them in the box, so i should just need to decorate and be done! If only it were that easy!
Scrap Happy!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
the journaling begins
I hated to admit it, but I had lost all the notes I had written while on my cruise! I can admit it now, because I finally found them over the weekend! I had placed them in a safe place, that's why I couldn't find them!
Anyway, I began the long process of journaling my trip. I got out a pen and notebook, the memories I had written on the trip, and the list that we filled out daily, ( best, worst, we tried... and the weather was...), and I laid out the pages that I have already put photos on. As I write in my notebook what I will later write on my album pages; I look at the album and how much room I have left for journaling, and kind of plan out where I was going to write what. I am not always this anal about it, but I want this album to be as near perfect as it can be because it's really special to me! So far, I have only written in the notebook. It's a long process! I'm combining the notes I've written, the info from our daily lists, as well as things I 'm remembering as I look at the pictures! Whew! Who knew scrapbooking could be so much work!?
Scrap Happy!
Anyway, I began the long process of journaling my trip. I got out a pen and notebook, the memories I had written on the trip, and the list that we filled out daily, ( best, worst, we tried... and the weather was...), and I laid out the pages that I have already put photos on. As I write in my notebook what I will later write on my album pages; I look at the album and how much room I have left for journaling, and kind of plan out where I was going to write what. I am not always this anal about it, but I want this album to be as near perfect as it can be because it's really special to me! So far, I have only written in the notebook. It's a long process! I'm combining the notes I've written, the info from our daily lists, as well as things I 'm remembering as I look at the pictures! Whew! Who knew scrapbooking could be so much work!?
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
We are the Champions!
I have a big day planned! I am going to be at the church softball tournament for most of the day. Yesterday, our boys won the division in the last regular game of the season! I'm very proud of them! Last season, some of the other wives and I made a little album for them, and passed it around at the softball tournament. This year, I haven't taken one pic, but of course I'll take a picture of the whole team, as always! This year they will have their trophy with them! How exciting! As the coach, this is all very important to my husband. He misses Weddings, parties and other numerous events if they are going to be at or around the same time as his games. He goes to the game hours early. Sometimes I resent softball for taking up so much of our life! But I may have gotten used to it. After all, he has been playing on this team since 1998! So, I'm proud of him, and the boys of Riverside.
Tip of the Day: When taking pictures at a sporting event, make sure that you use at least 400 speed film. Don't take close pictures through a wire fence or netting such as the one they have behind home plate. Do take pictures of your family watching the game. Ask someone you don't know to take it!
Quote of the Day: "I may be little, but I'm Daddy's biggest fan." - me (used as a page title in my daughter's album)
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: When taking pictures at a sporting event, make sure that you use at least 400 speed film. Don't take close pictures through a wire fence or netting such as the one they have behind home plate. Do take pictures of your family watching the game. Ask someone you don't know to take it!
Quote of the Day: "I may be little, but I'm Daddy's biggest fan." - me (used as a page title in my daughter's album)
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 11, 2006
New Stuff is here!!!!
I'm so excited right now! I just got my order today with all the new Creative Memories stuff in it and it was seriously like Christmas! It's already cool normally, getting a bunch of boxes, but more so when you haven't even seen pictures of the new stuff. I have to tell you the truth, guys. I have NEVER sat down and read the catalog cover to cover. Never! But I did this time! It's seriously like a magazine! I love the new catalog! I do! I ordered a whole bunch of stuff for myself this time, too. Every time I get a new consultant under me, when they place their first order, I get a $100 shopping spree! So, I got new stickers, a power layouts hickey, the new colors of pens, some of the new paper packs, just all kinds of stuff! I'm just so excited! I have been so Ho Hum about my business lately, and I'm sure my clients and friends are getting a little fed up with me, but I'm BACK! I don't know why, but this has just got me so excited, that I want to give everyone a new catalog, I want to deliver all my orders, I just want to be a good consultant again! Hey, summer's just about over, I guess it's time for me to get back to work!
Tip of the Day: From now on, if you pick up your order from me, you will always get a free gift. I ordered a whole bunch, and that's my new deal!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: From now on, if you pick up your order from me, you will always get a free gift. I ordered a whole bunch, and that's my new deal!
Scrap Happy!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ready for deportation!
Yay! I finished all of the pages of my cruise! I can almost start sharing them, but I still need to journal. I dreamt I was on a cruise last night! I'm really pleased with the pages. I looked back over them again and I feel that they tell our story perfectly! As I created them, I was afraid that I was using blue a little too much. But in retrospect, I can see that I did a pretty good job of using different colors and tying the page together. I'm excited to get caught up on my daughter's album.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Alea's August Specials
I have to make this quick, as it is very late and I'm sooo tired! To those of you having trouble adding a comment, try clicking on the zero in the phrase "0 comment". That might work?
I just wanted to let you know that I have updated my website, so those of you who are friends and clients might want to take a look at that. I have great specials for August listed, as well as my workshop dates. I have been dreaming of my pages and getting even better ideas for that page I keep telling you about, but I haven't been able to get to it yet. Summer keeps me too busy! At least I know that I will be able to scrap this Friday, since I'll be having a workshop! YAY!
Tip of the Day: check out my website...pretty PLEEEEEASE!
www.mycmsite.com/alea (just click on it!)
Scrap Happy!
I just wanted to let you know that I have updated my website, so those of you who are friends and clients might want to take a look at that. I have great specials for August listed, as well as my workshop dates. I have been dreaming of my pages and getting even better ideas for that page I keep telling you about, but I haven't been able to get to it yet. Summer keeps me too busy! At least I know that I will be able to scrap this Friday, since I'll be having a workshop! YAY!
Tip of the Day: check out my website...pretty PLEEEEEASE!
www.mycmsite.com/alea (just click on it!)
Scrap Happy!
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