So, it's been awhile since I've written and scrapped, since I've been very busy getting everything ready for our guests. I'm pleased to announce that my sister-in-law and little tiny niece are here! I was able to pick up my daughter's roll of film in my spare time :) , and the pictures are so interesting! What other way can you see the world literally through your child's eyes? One memorable picture is of her dad and I at our brick, the one he bought me with our names on it and the date of our wedding. It is also very strange to see myself as the subject in so many pictures! I'm usually the one TAKING the picture! Sure, many of them are tilted at an odd angle, and our heads might be chopped off completely in one or 2, but what's important is that it's her memories, recorded on film. There is one picture that really stood out to me. It's a close up of my chest, and at first that might seem like an automatic dud, but looking closer, I noticed the dogtag that I wear around my neck to remind me to pray for my brother. I started wearing it daily just days before she took the picture, because he is in the Army and had just gotten deployed while we were at Disney World. This is one picture that will be treasured, not for the quality of the photography, but for the time in my family's lives that was captured and held forever in that one, fuzzy picture.
Scrap Happy!
All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013
Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Making room for growth and baby
Well, I have been working all day today on my business, in my pajamas! Isn't that cool? I did take a few breaks form the computer for lunch and a couple of board games with my daughter. My sister in law and the baby will be here in just a few days, and since they will be staying here, I have been digging all of the baby stuff out of storage and cleaning everything up for their visit. That has taken up a lot of my time, but not all of it! I am squealing with excitement to announce that I am now a Senior Consultant! This basically just means that I have 3 consultants signed up now. But it is a promotion and I'm happy! But I'm boring you! I don't really have much to write about, as far as scrapping goes, because I've been all business! I did take my daughter's roll of film to get developed yesterday and I can't wait to see the photos! They are from when we were at Disney World, and she took them with her own princess camera. I love seeing things through her eyes. Speaking of which, she is trying to get my attention, so I'd better go!
Scrap Happy!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
My Blooming Business
It must be the spring weather that turns woman to thoughts of scrapbooking! I have been busy filling orders and talking to people about signing up to be a consultant while the cost is down. I have had several people contact me about hosting a Get Together as well. I'm trying to be less of a procrastinator, and organize my time better. I myself have been scrapbooking more. I've been stealing away for a blessed hour here and there in the late afternoon/ evening after my husband is home, just to get some pages done. I'm once again working on the 10th grader's album, and I have been completing 8-9 pages each time I sit down to work on it. If I can get this done, then I can start to work on my daughter's album. I can't wait! I went to a friend's today to scrap the day away. I only got 6 pages done, but that's better than none! I was at a Mary Kay party tonight and really got inspired by the way this lady handles her business. She has an organizer where she keeps everything, all in one place, imagine that! I dislike home parties, even though I always enjoy myself when I'm at one! I always keep a sharp eye on the consultant and watch how she works. I learn a lot this way!
Tip of the Week: Creative Memories has a new punch or as we say in CM land, "maker". It is so cool! It's a bubble punch and you can use it in so many ways! Don't let yourself be hampered thinking you can only use it to make bubbles, OH NO! I used it on a music recital page by punching a pink border, and sprinkling musical note stickers on it. I have punched with the bubbles,( there are 2 different designs on it by the way!) and then punched a circle. This would make an excellent pizza, moon or other planet, or just a cool decoration, like I used it for. With a slight variation, you could make a piece of cheese! Add a cute little mouse, and you have a cheesy page! The bubble punch is great for wedding pages, birthday pages, pages of the kids blowing bubbles, in the bath, at the aquarium, at the pool, at the beach or on a cruise, there really is no limit to where they would work! Use them with the circle makers! I love my bubble punch! o o O o oOoOoo
Scrap Happy! OoOooOo
oo OOooooOoOoOooOOOo
Tip of the Week: Creative Memories has a new punch or as we say in CM land, "maker". It is so cool! It's a bubble punch and you can use it in so many ways! Don't let yourself be hampered thinking you can only use it to make bubbles, OH NO! I used it on a music recital page by punching a pink border, and sprinkling musical note stickers on it. I have punched with the bubbles,( there are 2 different designs on it by the way!) and then punched a circle. This would make an excellent pizza, moon or other planet, or just a cool decoration, like I used it for. With a slight variation, you could make a piece of cheese! Add a cute little mouse, and you have a cheesy page! The bubble punch is great for wedding pages, birthday pages, pages of the kids blowing bubbles, in the bath, at the aquarium, at the pool, at the beach or on a cruise, there really is no limit to where they would work! Use them with the circle makers! I love my bubble punch! o o O o oOoOoo
Scrap Happy! OoOooOo
oo OOooooOoOoOooOOOo
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Although I have so much to write about, I really don't have the time tonight, so I'll keep this brief! I just saw a picture of my brother in Iraq! It was sent via e-mail by my dear sister in law. Seeing it made me sad. He is so thin and he looks tan! He never got tan, even at the beach! He does look happy though. Happy and relaxed, even though he is slouched in the seat of a Hummer, in dirty fatigues. A little girl has adopted him as her best friend, and she is standing in the picture, too. She looks as though she isn't sure if she should be having her picture taken. She is in the head wrap and long clothes, just like all the pictures I've ever seen from women in Iraq. I just can't get over how different my brother looks. He looks like a soldier. It's funny how much you can read from a picture.
Tip of the Day: This isn't scrapbooking, and it's probably old news to those of you who have been computer literate for longer than I, but I wanted to share it anyway. I have been using pictures of my far away loved ones as "Background" for my computer. When I turn on my computer, I usually have a picture of my dear little niece looking at me. It has really brought me closer to her! I have never met her, and seeing her face when I turn my computer on and off, is like a little visit and a reminder that she is out there, my own little niece! I'm putting my brother on today, since I have a new picture of him! That's the neat thing! I can change it once a week, or once a day, or leave it on there forever, it's up to me! I am going to use this as a reminder to pray for my family. I'm going to try to put a different picture up there once a week, and pray for that person when I turn my computer on and off.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: This isn't scrapbooking, and it's probably old news to those of you who have been computer literate for longer than I, but I wanted to share it anyway. I have been using pictures of my far away loved ones as "Background" for my computer. When I turn on my computer, I usually have a picture of my dear little niece looking at me. It has really brought me closer to her! I have never met her, and seeing her face when I turn my computer on and off, is like a little visit and a reminder that she is out there, my own little niece! I'm putting my brother on today, since I have a new picture of him! That's the neat thing! I can change it once a week, or once a day, or leave it on there forever, it's up to me! I am going to use this as a reminder to pray for my family. I'm going to try to put a different picture up there once a week, and pray for that person when I turn my computer on and off.
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
St. Patrick's Day workshop
We had a really good scrapfest last Friday! It was Saint Patrick's Day, but there wasn't any green beer! Everyone was able to get something done. I completed the album I was doing for my friend's son, Julie started her youngest son's album, Bekah started her Disney Trip, Emily kept plugging away at her and her husband's photo album and Missy completed 6 pages of her son's album. We even have a knitter who comes and knits while we all scrapbook, just because she likes the company! We don't have a dull moment! This week, my husband rigged up a curtain in front of the garage door to keep the draft out. It really seemed to make a difference! Spring will be here in a few days and then we will always be comfortable at workshops. I love everyone who comes to scrapbook (or knit) with me! I really look forward to these Fridays!
Tip of the Day: CM has pens that enable you to write on black pages in red, orange, green and blue, and actually be able to see the writing. You probably knew that, but did you know that you can also use them to write on colored paper? I have found that you can use the red on red paper and it shows up! It almost has the same effect as a glowstick. You'll have to try it to see what I mean.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: CM has pens that enable you to write on black pages in red, orange, green and blue, and actually be able to see the writing. You probably knew that, but did you know that you can also use them to write on colored paper? I have found that you can use the red on red paper and it shows up! It almost has the same effect as a glowstick. You'll have to try it to see what I mean.
Scrap Happy!
Friday, March 17, 2006
That looks like fun!
I'm so excited and I just had to share that I signed a new consultant today! My sister ( by marriage, to my brother!) has been attending a new Bible Study and the women all get together to scrapbook after the study. She has been sitting there, with her new baby, and watching them. She is very artistic, so she decided that she wants to give it a try! She called me tonight and I am getting all ready to send her the info to sign. This is the perfect time for her to get into album making! Her baby is 4 months old now, she's living with her family while my brother is over in Iraq, and she will have more free time now than she ever will! I know that she will love it!
Tip of the Day: What a great idea! Getting together after a Bible study or other kind of meeting to scrap for a little bit every week! One of the ladies told my sister in law, "If you don't do it here, you'll probably never get it done." Which might not be true, but it is for some people I know! I have workshops for those who want to come, but if you wanted to just get your own group of friends together and plan to scrapbook, the best way is to make it a priority, stay consistant with the day and time so people don't get confused, and keep it simple. If you have snacks, don't make it a big ordeal. Everyone is there to scrap, not eat! And if people have to bring a dessert tray plus their scrapping supplies, it gets to be 2 and 3 trips to the car. Another idea might be for everyone to pitch in on supplies and tools so that everyone can use them. One idea is to buy the sizzix or the cutting system by having everyone pitch in and keeping it at the place you meet, if possible.
Scrap Happy! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!
Tip of the Day: What a great idea! Getting together after a Bible study or other kind of meeting to scrap for a little bit every week! One of the ladies told my sister in law, "If you don't do it here, you'll probably never get it done." Which might not be true, but it is for some people I know! I have workshops for those who want to come, but if you wanted to just get your own group of friends together and plan to scrapbook, the best way is to make it a priority, stay consistant with the day and time so people don't get confused, and keep it simple. If you have snacks, don't make it a big ordeal. Everyone is there to scrap, not eat! And if people have to bring a dessert tray plus their scrapping supplies, it gets to be 2 and 3 trips to the car. Another idea might be for everyone to pitch in on supplies and tools so that everyone can use them. One idea is to buy the sizzix or the cutting system by having everyone pitch in and keeping it at the place you meet, if possible.
Scrap Happy! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
remembering last month
I just got my pictures back today! These are pictures from February, and early March. I'm happy with them for the most part. I like that I have some unposed pictures. I was able to capture the look of concentration on my daughter's face as she painted. I also caught her laying on the couch just watching Saturday cartoons. Because I just looked at the pictures I took last year, these pictures show her looking so much older! At least that's what I see. The way her hair looks, and the expressions on her face just make her look so much older than she did a year ago. Just thinking that she used to be 2 at this time last year, is unbelievable. Two just seems so young now that she's almost 4! I'm so glad that I have a workshop tomorrow because I'm hungry to get these pictures into albums! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!
Scrap Happy!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Lasting Moments
I received 2 Creative Memories magazines in my order yesterday, so I have been reading through them every time I sit down at the table. There are so many good ideas in them! I'm one of those people who turn down pages that have ideas I like on them. Let me tell you, these editions have a ton of great ideas for making simple, safe photo albums. I've had subscriptions to other scrapbooking magazines in the past, and the one thing that differs between those and the CM magazine is that I find a lot more ideas that I can use! I remember the other magazines using any type of product in their albums, and I'm not just talking about some brand name or what ever, I'm saying they used cardboard, different metals, pebbles...basically anything goes! Sometimes they did issue warnings about using the items in your scrapbooks. " Make sure that you don't use the original copies of your photos." Well, the whole point of me putting my priceless photos into an album is to protect them! So, Lasting Moments magazine is just what I need!
Tip of the Day: Just looking at these issues in order to steal an idea to tell you left me feeling that everyone should have their own copy! They are just chockfull of ideas that are easy when you see them, but too difficult to describe. I have to say, that I did see at least three ideas in there, that I have already done, years ago, so that made me feel good!Here is one that I hadn't thought of ! For spring, make a few seed packets out of a rectangle of paper decorated with a title ,("seeds" works well!) and matted square stickers. ( They recommend using the Months in Bloom sticker pack) Make one more rectangle seed package, but leave it plain. This will be your open seed packet. To make an open flap, just use a lighter shade of paper and round the edges. Now, use the extras (dots and commas) from the ABC letters and make it look like seeds are falling out of the open packet.
Sccrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Just looking at these issues in order to steal an idea to tell you left me feeling that everyone should have their own copy! They are just chockfull of ideas that are easy when you see them, but too difficult to describe. I have to say, that I did see at least three ideas in there, that I have already done, years ago, so that made me feel good!Here is one that I hadn't thought of ! For spring, make a few seed packets out of a rectangle of paper decorated with a title ,("seeds" works well!) and matted square stickers. ( They recommend using the Months in Bloom sticker pack) Make one more rectangle seed package, but leave it plain. This will be your open seed packet. To make an open flap, just use a lighter shade of paper and round the edges. Now, use the extras (dots and commas) from the ABC letters and make it look like seeds are falling out of the open packet.
Sccrap Happy!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Lessons from Monk
I was watching one of my favorite shows today. The show is Monk, and if you don't know anything about it, here's a quick run down. He is a private detective with a multitude of phobias and quirks. He's a really smart and sweet guy carrying around a wounded heart. His wife, Trudy, died 9 years ago. He still wears his wedding ring, still talks about her to anyone who will stand still long enough to listen, and misses her so much that he keeps her pillow in a sealed bag in the closet. Some nights, he gets out her pillow and just smells it. He's certain that he can still smell her strawberry shampoo and that lilac lotion that she used to wear. Sometimes, he even sees her and talks to her. But everytime she almost kisses him, she disappears. He was having a Trudy moment, seeing her and holding her hand, when he said, "Look at you. You are so beautiful. I should have taken more pictures of you. I should have been taking pictures of you all of the time."
As I heard this, a lightbulb went off in my head! That guilt I sometimes feel for taking so many pictures of my daughter, just disappeared. Sure, film and developing and scrapbooking materials are expensive, but they are hardly a waste! Just yesterday, I decided to look at pictures of my daughter a year ago. I pulled out her album and was amazed to see how much she has changed in one year. She has lost a lot of the roundness and baby chub that she had a year ago. She just looks older! She knows so much more than she did at 2 and a half. She likes such different things. I can't believe how much she has matured. I'm so glad that I take as many pictures as I do.
Scrap Happy!
As I heard this, a lightbulb went off in my head! That guilt I sometimes feel for taking so many pictures of my daughter, just disappeared. Sure, film and developing and scrapbooking materials are expensive, but they are hardly a waste! Just yesterday, I decided to look at pictures of my daughter a year ago. I pulled out her album and was amazed to see how much she has changed in one year. She has lost a lot of the roundness and baby chub that she had a year ago. She just looks older! She knows so much more than she did at 2 and a half. She likes such different things. I can't believe how much she has matured. I'm so glad that I take as many pictures as I do.
Scrap Happy!
Friday, March 10, 2006
A Day with Mom
This week, I spent a relaxing day at my parent's, just visiting. It was so nice not to have to do anything! As my Mom and I talked, she mentioned how she didn't like some of the pages she had completed in her empty nest album. These pages were special to her because they were from last year, when she and my Dad went to Texas together, and toured the sites after my brother's wedding. I asked her to show them to me, and we spent a little while adding a little bling to her pages! It was nice and relaxing, scrapping together, and just adding that little bit extra, to make the pages stand out. I didn't move any of the pictures she had already put on the page, and I left the journalling the same. All I did was add a little paper, in the form of "rocks" to mimic the spanish missions they were standing by, and matting a picture. I also added some stickers, not very many, but just a couple on each page, keeping the theme. Then I decorated with a pen, adding some lines here and there, attempting to keep the viewer focused on the beautiful photos.
Tip of the day: I used brown and tan to keep the attention on the photos and tie the pages together, since they were all taken on the same trip. I used cross stickers, and stained glass, to keep the mission theme. The rocks were made using the square punch. I then rounded all the corners of the square and placed them unevenly in the blank places on the page. The pictures are what is important. The point of scrapbooking is to showcase them.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the day: I used brown and tan to keep the attention on the photos and tie the pages together, since they were all taken on the same trip. I used cross stickers, and stained glass, to keep the mission theme. The rocks were made using the square punch. I then rounded all the corners of the square and placed them unevenly in the blank places on the page. The pictures are what is important. The point of scrapbooking is to showcase them.
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
check that off the list!
I worked so hard yesterday to get the laundry, housework and everyday stuff done, all with the thought that I would get some scrapping time in once I was all caught up. Well, my husband came home from work, and the laundry still wasn't done, but I decided to take a break and scrapbook anyway. That's just what I did! I sat down and completed several pages before I had to stop for dinner. It felt so good to do that! I felt no guilt and I really accomplished a lot! I am pretty close to completing this album for my friend's son. After that, I hope to get to my daughter's at last!
Tip of the Day: The laundry will never be done, there will always be more dishes to do, and the bathroom will just keep geting dirty! So, make time to scrapbook. Write it on your list of things to get done in the day. (If you are a list maker, like I am!) I wonder just how much I could accomplish if I spent an hour a day scrapbooking! I know one thing; if I scrapbook for a little while, I feel great. I feel like I completed something and relieved some stress. If I scrapbook for a really long time, sometimes I feel all tense from sitting, my knees hurt and I am just sticking things on the page trying to get it done so I can stop. If it isn't fun anymore, or you are frustrated with a mental block, STOP and call it a day. Scrapbooking should be a fun thing, not a chore!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: The laundry will never be done, there will always be more dishes to do, and the bathroom will just keep geting dirty! So, make time to scrapbook. Write it on your list of things to get done in the day. (If you are a list maker, like I am!) I wonder just how much I could accomplish if I spent an hour a day scrapbooking! I know one thing; if I scrapbook for a little while, I feel great. I feel like I completed something and relieved some stress. If I scrapbook for a really long time, sometimes I feel all tense from sitting, my knees hurt and I am just sticking things on the page trying to get it done so I can stop. If it isn't fun anymore, or you are frustrated with a mental block, STOP and call it a day. Scrapbooking should be a fun thing, not a chore!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Signing a consultant!
When I heard that Creative Memories was offering the whole consultant package for $119 dollars this month, I was hoping that everyone else would think it was as amazing as I did! Because you can buy an album, a cutter, corner rounder, tape runner and pens and almost be paying as much for this $500 + kit, in which you get all of that and more. This has prompted me to do some homework, figuring out how much I really do get my scrapbooking products for. I was pleasantly surprised, because it really does give me great discounts!
I just signed a consultant yesterday! WOO HOO! She had been interested in becoming a consultant for some time now, but it just wasn't the right time, because she was pregnant. Now that she has her little one, and she has observed all the work I do at workshops (on my albums, not actual work!) I think she realized it would be more than worth it. So, she came over and signed the papers. She already has a group of friends who scrapbook, because she has hosted shows and crop clubs for me in the past. So, she has a ready made customer base.
I'm excited and I just wanted to share that with all of my blog readers! If you are interested in getting over $500 worth of stuff for $119, e-mail me and I'll give you all the info you need, whether you want to sign up or not. It is an amazing deal, unlike anything I've seen Creative Memories do in the past. I actually have a customer coming over today for an order (the one I described above that is around $100), and I'm going to tell her about this, because she could get so much more for only a little more money. Since you can decide to quit at any time, just by not placing an order, it's a great deal.
Scrap Happy!
I just signed a consultant yesterday! WOO HOO! She had been interested in becoming a consultant for some time now, but it just wasn't the right time, because she was pregnant. Now that she has her little one, and she has observed all the work I do at workshops (on my albums, not actual work!) I think she realized it would be more than worth it. So, she came over and signed the papers. She already has a group of friends who scrapbook, because she has hosted shows and crop clubs for me in the past. So, she has a ready made customer base.
I'm excited and I just wanted to share that with all of my blog readers! If you are interested in getting over $500 worth of stuff for $119, e-mail me and I'll give you all the info you need, whether you want to sign up or not. It is an amazing deal, unlike anything I've seen Creative Memories do in the past. I actually have a customer coming over today for an order (the one I described above that is around $100), and I'm going to tell her about this, because she could get so much more for only a little more money. Since you can decide to quit at any time, just by not placing an order, it's a great deal.
Scrap Happy!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Love Letters
Around this time every year, I write a letter to my daughter. I call it a "Love Letter from Mama". In it I write how I feel about her and the little things that we do together that no one else shares, like princess kisses and praying in bed each morning before we get up. I'm so glad that I write these things down because they change from year to year and even from month to month! These are the things that I don't want to forget! I create these albums mainly for my daughter, but in a big way, I create them for myself as well. I love to look back and see the things she used to say and the little things she did . I love to read the different nicknames we've had for each other, and remember the way her dark little eyes used to look at me when I'd come into her room in the middle of the night to comfort her when she was a little chubby baby.
Tip of the Day: In years past, I have changed the way I do my love letter, but in general, I have a photo of us on the same page as my letter. You can make lines on the page or use lined paper from Creative Memories. Last year, I had a professional photo taken of the 2 of us looking at each other. I put the 8x10 photo on one page and the letter facing it. All I did to decorate the letter page was to use heart stickers and create a little envelope with a piece of heart paper sticking out of it. In mini red letter stickers, I wrote the title, "Love Letter from Mama."
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: In years past, I have changed the way I do my love letter, but in general, I have a photo of us on the same page as my letter. You can make lines on the page or use lined paper from Creative Memories. Last year, I had a professional photo taken of the 2 of us looking at each other. I put the 8x10 photo on one page and the letter facing it. All I did to decorate the letter page was to use heart stickers and create a little envelope with a piece of heart paper sticking out of it. In mini red letter stickers, I wrote the title, "Love Letter from Mama."
Scrap Happy!
Friday, March 03, 2006
The future
After all this talk about preserving the past, I thought it would be timely to put some thought into the future as well. Our children are the future, as everybody knows. Even if you don't have children yet, you can write down your hopes and dreams for them to read later. For grandparents, write to your grandkids. Aunts can write to their nieces and nephews. This is a personal part of yourselves that you are leaving with them. It's always good to have goals. When I think of what I would dream for my daughter, I think of both serious things, like saving herself for marriage, as well as silly things, such as her becoming a violinist. It's important for you to write down the hopes and dreams you have for your children. A good place to do this can be on a page where you put just one picture, of the 2 of you snuggling, and fill the rest of the page with journalling.
Tip of the Day: another idea that goes along with this is to ask your children to either dictate or write down what hopes and dreams they have for their own future. This can be as simple as what they want to be when they grow up. For instance, my daughter wants to be a singer and a ballet dancer! You could pair this with your hopes and dreams for them. Write it on the page and include a picture of them singing with a michrophone, or wearing their little tutu. (See, I just got a page idea for pictures I'd already taken! Whoo hoo!)
Scrap Happy!!!
Tip of the Day: another idea that goes along with this is to ask your children to either dictate or write down what hopes and dreams they have for their own future. This can be as simple as what they want to be when they grow up. For instance, my daughter wants to be a singer and a ballet dancer! You could pair this with your hopes and dreams for them. Write it on the page and include a picture of them singing with a michrophone, or wearing their little tutu. (See, I just got a page idea for pictures I'd already taken! Whoo hoo!)
Scrap Happy!!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Save What's Behind You!
I've praised the merits of cropping your photographs in this Blog before. But there is a time and a place for everything! I love looking at the background of old pictures. Is that really what carseats were like when I was a baby? Looking at what's behind your subject can tell you a lot about the time of the year, the occasion, even the decade that it was taken in! So, don't be too quick to crop those old pictures! Even now, when I am cropping current photos, sometimes I leave things from the background in because I want my daughter to be able to look back and see how the carseats looked in her infancy!
Tip of the Day: When I am sorting photos for other people's albums, the backgrounds often help me to determine where or when it was taken more than the people in the photo! If you are doing an album of someone elses, or even your own photos, make sure you search the background for clues. Some things I've found in the background that help me determine when pictures were taken have been a calendar, Christmas decorations, the color of the leaves on the trees through a window, a pack of diapers, balloons, and framed photographs.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: When I am sorting photos for other people's albums, the backgrounds often help me to determine where or when it was taken more than the people in the photo! If you are doing an album of someone elses, or even your own photos, make sure you search the background for clues. Some things I've found in the background that help me determine when pictures were taken have been a calendar, Christmas decorations, the color of the leaves on the trees through a window, a pack of diapers, balloons, and framed photographs.
Scrap Happy!
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