A couple of years ago, my Dad came back from a visit with his parents carrying a scrapbook his mother had made for him. It contained pictures from his childhood through his adult life. She had collected articles from the newspaper and everything. The pages were now amber, and she had used glue to secure them to the page, and sometimes ordinary tape. I loved looking at that book and seeing drawings he had done as a child. I had never seen most of the photos. Of course, I didn't waste any time getting them out of there and into a Creative Memories album! Judging the amount of photos, I decided to use an 8 1/2 x 11 album. I used black pages because most of the photos were black and white. I also used black portrait sleeves to hold the newspaper clippings and things that he had made out of construction paper, just because I didn't like them being next to the photos. If you don't know what a portrait sleeve is, it's a page that has a clear pocket the same size as the page on both sides. It has a piece of paper in it, which you can remove. I gave my dad the finished album for Christmas, and he loved it. I like it because I know that his pictures are safe!
tip of the day: use subdued colors to compliment your photos, especially when working with sephia. You probably won't want to use a bunch of cutesy stickers if you are trying to keep it true to the time the photos were taken. Of course, CM has packs to help you. Heritage stickers, all different decades, starting in the 40's, and a legacy paper pack.
Scrap Happy!
All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Welcome to the Family
My brother got married a year ago to a girl we had just met! They had a quick courtship of 4 months! But when you know it's the one, and you are about to be shipped off to war at any moment, there isn't any reason to dilly dally about it, I guess! We are lucky, because she is great! She is better at keeping in touch than I am. We can and do talk on the phone for an hour a week, if not longer. They had their baby in November, and at her request, I sent an address list of the family so that she could send out birth announcements. She saw the names, but being so new to the family, she didn't know who the people were and how they were related. She mentioned this to my cousin, Rachel.Instead of telling her who they were, my cousin decided to make her a "Welcome to the Family" photo album! What a great idea! For instance, she will have a page with a photo of my Aunt Cricket on it and write who she is and how she is related to my brother. (Mom's younger sister) On the pages following, she will put my cousin, Kelly and his wife and kids, as well as my other cousins on the pages after that. I love that idea! I think it would be nice to give that to any new member of the family! What a wedding present! I would love to have one of these for my daughter, because our family is spread out across 6 states, all the way across the country! I like her to know who I'm talking about when I talk about family members, even ones that she has never met.
Tip of the Day: If I did a book like this I would start off with a family tree. If you use a 7x7 album, I would put Aunt Cricket on one page, Kelly and Sara, his wife on the next. The kids would be on the next page. If you use a 12x12 album, you could probably make a 2 page spread with Aunt Cricket and her kids and their kids. Using a 7x7 might make it easier to add on if someone has a baby.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: If I did a book like this I would start off with a family tree. If you use a 7x7 album, I would put Aunt Cricket on one page, Kelly and Sara, his wife on the next. The kids would be on the next page. If you use a 12x12 album, you could probably make a 2 page spread with Aunt Cricket and her kids and their kids. Using a 7x7 might make it easier to add on if someone has a baby.
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tracking down the pictures
When I was younger, professional pictures were a luxury for our family. Sometimes, when my mom would get a picture taken, she would send it to the grandparents, because they lived so far away, and she wouldn't even get to keep a copy! As the years go by, some of the pictures have made their way back to us. It's so neat to see photos of yourself that you don't even remember! My Aunt JoAnne made us a calendar one year filled with photos of the family. Since she had taken the pictures with her camera, we had never seen them! How cool it is to remember the birthday parties and backyard BBQs that went with those pictures!
Tip of the Day: Don't limit yourself to the pictures that you have been given. Ask around to see if you can get your hands on any more photos. Take them to get photocopied or scan them on the computer. Then return them! Who might have possession of these photos? Aunts, especially great-aunts, grammas, even cousins. Send out a letter to everyone letting them know what you are looking for, why, and include your promise to return the originals promptly. They might know of someone who has pictures that you never would have even thought to ask!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Don't limit yourself to the pictures that you have been given. Ask around to see if you can get your hands on any more photos. Take them to get photocopied or scan them on the computer. Then return them! Who might have possession of these photos? Aunts, especially great-aunts, grammas, even cousins. Send out a letter to everyone letting them know what you are looking for, why, and include your promise to return the originals promptly. They might know of someone who has pictures that you never would have even thought to ask!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Memories of my Grandfather
My Grandfather has been getting increasingly more senile. It's so sad. The last time I talked to my Gramma, she said that he had found pictures from his childhood. They both have saved photos from when they were young. If they ever were to leave me anything, the photos are what I would cherish the most. Sadly, my gramma found Grandad's photos on the floor, torn in half. I never was very close to my Grandfather, but I always wanted to be. He just didn't know how to relate to children. We didn't hug until I was a teenager. His side of the family is shrouded in mystery, to me at least. All I have are the bizzare stories that my Gramma has told me. I would like to have a photo album filled with pictures and what little I know about these people I call family. Someday, I am going to make an album like this for my daughter. I'll include photos from both sides of her family, if I can search some out. I think that she will really appreciate that when she has kids of her own.
Tip of the Day: When working on a heritage album, like the one I just described, be very gentle with the photos! Removing them from an original album can be tough. Creative Memories has a tool called the Multipurpose tool, that works great at getting Photos out of albums, even if they were glued in there!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: When working on a heritage album, like the one I just described, be very gentle with the photos! Removing them from an original album can be tough. Creative Memories has a tool called the Multipurpose tool, that works great at getting Photos out of albums, even if they were glued in there!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I think the reason that I'm having so much trouble thinking about what to write is that I haven't been scrapbooking this week. I really want to get to that today, but I have so many things I have to get done just to keep my house organized. Don't think that all I do is run around cleaning, though! I have friends over, go to meetings and lately I've been reading and knitting more than I've been scrapbooking.
I am trying to organize a special contest for my friends and customers to earn free scrapbooking supplies if they participate in my Spring Fling Contest. The main goal is to complete pages and attend workshops. I am still figuring out all of the details, which I hope will be done soon, as my contest starts on the 1st of March! Wow! I can't believe that spring is almost here!
Tip of the Day: So, what can you do with those albums that would hurt your pictures? My Aunt covered an album for me as a wedding gift. It's beautiful, but I can't use it for my photos! Instead, I have placed my engagement, shower and wedding cards in there, very lovingly, so that I can look back through them if I want to.
Scrap Happy!
I am trying to organize a special contest for my friends and customers to earn free scrapbooking supplies if they participate in my Spring Fling Contest. The main goal is to complete pages and attend workshops. I am still figuring out all of the details, which I hope will be done soon, as my contest starts on the 1st of March! Wow! I can't believe that spring is almost here!
Tip of the Day: So, what can you do with those albums that would hurt your pictures? My Aunt covered an album for me as a wedding gift. It's beautiful, but I can't use it for my photos! Instead, I have placed my engagement, shower and wedding cards in there, very lovingly, so that I can look back through them if I want to.
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The last picture
I watched Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow, a very cute movie. Gweneth Paltrow plays a reporter, who gets to tag a long on the story of a lifetime. She is clicking away with her camera, taking pictures of robots huger than buildings and other amazing things. She ends up losing her extra film and then is extra cautious of the shots she has left. She is seeing all of these absolutely incredible things, and she lifts her camera up to take a picture, and then she sadly lowers it without taking one. Just 2 shots left and she doesn't want to waste them! How often do I feel like that girl! Those of you using digital cameras probably never have that prediciment, but I look at my number of shots left all of the time. I think it's important to always take extra film with you, just in case! I'll leave it to you to find out how she use her final 2 shots. It's as if she realized what was the most important thing to remember, and after all, isn't that what taking pictures is all about?
Tip of the Day: A fun way to make letters: I have used the circle punch, a hole punch and a few creative rounded cuts to make letters. For example, making an "O". Punch a circle, use a smaller hole punch to punch the center, turning it into an "o". Keep your cuts rounded. This has worked best for titles, since the letters tend to be on the large side.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: A fun way to make letters: I have used the circle punch, a hole punch and a few creative rounded cuts to make letters. For example, making an "O". Punch a circle, use a smaller hole punch to punch the center, turning it into an "o". Keep your cuts rounded. This has worked best for titles, since the letters tend to be on the large side.
Scrap Happy!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Trains are loved most by little boys, and often big boys, too! I myself have a train that travels high around the living room on a suspended track. This train was given to my daughter for Christmas in 2004 by her Pap Pap. When she opened it, I think she was only half as excited as her daddy was! So, I thought I'd share a few ideas dedicated to trains and the boys (and girls) who love them!
Tip of the Day: Train stickers are sold in the toddler trinkets and toys pack, but you can even make your own train on a page pretty easily. My friend did a page for Christmas entitled Babe in Toyland. She created a train out of different colored rectangles of paper, using the circle maker to punch wheels, and connecting the train by hand-drawing connectors. She added a personal touch by punching a square in the engine and putting an extra photo of her son there! She then filled the empty cars with toy stickers found in the pack mentioned above. It looks so cute!
Another idea is how I decorated my daughter's page of her opening her train present and watching it get set up. I used a black page instead of white. I had only 3 pictures, so I saved room for journalling. I drew a train track along the bottom of the page and put a train on it. (using stickers) I wanted the train to have smoke coming out of the stack, so I used some leftover cloud stickers for that. I then used black and white letter stickers to write "CHoo CHoo CHoo" coming out of the smoke stack. I used the white letter stickers to write on the black page and the black letters to write on the white clouds. Result - ADORABLE.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Train stickers are sold in the toddler trinkets and toys pack, but you can even make your own train on a page pretty easily. My friend did a page for Christmas entitled Babe in Toyland. She created a train out of different colored rectangles of paper, using the circle maker to punch wheels, and connecting the train by hand-drawing connectors. She added a personal touch by punching a square in the engine and putting an extra photo of her son there! She then filled the empty cars with toy stickers found in the pack mentioned above. It looks so cute!
Another idea is how I decorated my daughter's page of her opening her train present and watching it get set up. I used a black page instead of white. I had only 3 pictures, so I saved room for journalling. I drew a train track along the bottom of the page and put a train on it. (using stickers) I wanted the train to have smoke coming out of the stack, so I used some leftover cloud stickers for that. I then used black and white letter stickers to write "CHoo CHoo CHoo" coming out of the smoke stack. I used the white letter stickers to write on the black page and the black letters to write on the white clouds. Result - ADORABLE.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Worker Bees
Last night's workshop was very productive! We all completed pages, and I personally completed 18 pages! There were only 3 of us, and we were on such a roll (no doubt fueled by the snacks we were munching!) that we kept right on going past 2AM! It was fun! Oldies was the music selection of choice, and except for a few commercials that we could have done without, we all were singing along from time to time! People don't know what they are missing! This is the cool thing to do on a Friday night!
Tip of the Day: My favorite page last night was also my simplist! I had 3 photos of the baby playing with his toes, and I adhered them to the page, drew an outline around them which acted as a mat, and then made a little rectangle decorated with hands and feet stickers, inside which I wrote, " How neat, I found my feet!" That was it! So simple, so cute! By the way, Thanks goes to Hailey who came up with the little ryme to put in the journalling block. Just one of the perks of scrapping with a group of women! Everyone's input is so refreshing and no one gets hurt when you don't take their suggestion.
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: My favorite page last night was also my simplist! I had 3 photos of the baby playing with his toes, and I adhered them to the page, drew an outline around them which acted as a mat, and then made a little rectangle decorated with hands and feet stickers, inside which I wrote, " How neat, I found my feet!" That was it! So simple, so cute! By the way, Thanks goes to Hailey who came up with the little ryme to put in the journalling block. Just one of the perks of scrapping with a group of women! Everyone's input is so refreshing and no one gets hurt when you don't take their suggestion.
Scrap Happy!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Workshop night
I have a workshop tonight! I'm excited because I'm really in the mood to scrapbook! I wanted to scrapbook with a friend today, but when her plans changed and she couldn't make it, I just cleaned, baked and watched a Veggie Tales movie with my daughter. So, tonight is my excuse to scrapbook! I may end up working on someone else's album tonight, because I need to get these other albums done, and because I'm still in the laying it out phases of our Disney vacation and I am so weird about doing these pages with other people around. I just want them to be perfect!
Tip of the Day: If you ever decide to do albums for other people, have a list of items you need to start, such as a couple paper packs, stickers, tape refill and the book and page protectors. Add them up and this is what the down payment will be. Decide how much you want to charge per page and give them a written cost sheet. This way, they won't be surprised at the end. This is what I am going to do from now on!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: If you ever decide to do albums for other people, have a list of items you need to start, such as a couple paper packs, stickers, tape refill and the book and page protectors. Add them up and this is what the down payment will be. Decide how much you want to charge per page and give them a written cost sheet. This way, they won't be surprised at the end. This is what I am going to do from now on!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day has come and gone! This year, we kept our daughter with us for our crab dinner, and we all went to the Mall for a special dessert, ice cream! We have given up keeping ice cream in our freezer at home, so ice cream is now a special treat! I took a picture of my husband giving my daughter a rose, and I took a picture with the automatic timer of the 3 of us. This is when a digital camera would come in handy! I can only hope the picture took, since I can't look at it right after I take it. I took so many pictures of my daughter at the parties she attended this year! We made a really cute backpack box for her valentines, so I took a picture of her wearing that, and looking in it for valentines. She enjoyed Valentine's Day immensely this year!
Tip of the Day: Last year, I took just 3 pictures of Valentine's Day. One of her writing valentines, one of her outside the library in her little red dress with her box of valentines, and one of her with some friends from the library party. I used the extra space to keep her valentines. I used an empty CM sticker pack and filled it with her valentines. Then I stuck it to the page, punched out a few hearts in pink and red with the makers and stuck them all around the bottom of the page. Very simple and really cute. Did you know that you can use the CM sticker packs to keep memorabelia in? Well, you can, it's photo safe!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Last year, I took just 3 pictures of Valentine's Day. One of her writing valentines, one of her outside the library in her little red dress with her box of valentines, and one of her with some friends from the library party. I used the extra space to keep her valentines. I used an empty CM sticker pack and filled it with her valentines. Then I stuck it to the page, punched out a few hearts in pink and red with the makers and stuck them all around the bottom of the page. Very simple and really cute. Did you know that you can use the CM sticker packs to keep memorabelia in? Well, you can, it's photo safe!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
scrapbooking with kids
Yesterday, I had the chance to teach scrapbooking to almost 20 kids and their parents. I love watching kids scrapbook! They see things so differently than we do! As with any craft, they love doing it! Girls of all ages take to scrapbooking right away. The funny thing to me was that while the boys had to be strongly encouraged to participate, once they started, they loved doing it! They didn't ever admit it, but you could see how much fun they were having, especially when it came to using the tools! Boys of all ages catch on to the tools naturally faster than girls. I'm always impressed by the occasional male scrapbooker I come across. Guys are just as good at scrapbooking as girls and they have such a unique perspective!
Tip of the Day: Teach a kid to scrapbook! I have old supplies that I can give to my daughter and let her go to town while I get some scrapbooking of my own accomplished. Save your photos that aren't quite good enough for the album you're working on, or give them the doubles. When working with the kids yesterday, I used the clear photo splits instead of a tape runner. This controlled their tape use, and kept my tape runner from getting all messed up! Watch them as they use tools. Corner rounders and makers are fun for them to use, and pretty sturdy. Most importantly, don't confine their creativity to what you think a page should look like!
Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: Teach a kid to scrapbook! I have old supplies that I can give to my daughter and let her go to town while I get some scrapbooking of my own accomplished. Save your photos that aren't quite good enough for the album you're working on, or give them the doubles. When working with the kids yesterday, I used the clear photo splits instead of a tape runner. This controlled their tape use, and kept my tape runner from getting all messed up! Watch them as they use tools. Corner rounders and makers are fun for them to use, and pretty sturdy. Most importantly, don't confine their creativity to what you think a page should look like!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Scrapping Something New
As I mentioned yesterday, I have Disney on my mind, since I'm working on that right now! Most people have a favorite vacation spot and go there over and over again. Sometimes it's nice to get the same comfortable pictures, to show that nothing has changed, or on the other hand, to show that tree that used to be a sprout, which now shades the whole pool area! But if you look around a little bit, I'm sure you can find things to catch on film that you have never taken pictures of before. It might even challenge you to try something new! We try something new each day of our Disney vacation! We were challenged to do this because we use the Passporter, a book that includes an area for us to write down little things that happen every day. It prompts you to record your most magical moment, the worst moment, and others as well as "Today we tried_________and the result was______."If you're looking, it's easy to find new things to try! Do a little planning before you go, or pick up a brochure that looks interesting.
We try new rides, (at the beach this year, we rode a speedboat for the first time!)
new restraunts,
fishing, (or anything else that you don't do that often back home)
hunts, ( at Disney, we hunted for all the characters, at the beach this year we hunted for lighthouses.)
and new locations. (one year, we drove to a tiny town nearby O.C. that had been used in a few movies, at Disney, we like to visit and stay at different resorts.)
Well, I think this even doubles as a tip of the day! Scrap Happy!
We try new rides, (at the beach this year, we rode a speedboat for the first time!)
new restraunts,
fishing, (or anything else that you don't do that often back home)
hunts, ( at Disney, we hunted for all the characters, at the beach this year we hunted for lighthouses.)
and new locations. (one year, we drove to a tiny town nearby O.C. that had been used in a few movies, at Disney, we like to visit and stay at different resorts.)
Well, I think this even doubles as a tip of the day! Scrap Happy!
Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm going to Disney World, well...in pictures!
I am currently working on my Disney pictures, laying out pages so that I can tell how they will work. When I do my Disney vacation, I combine chronological order as well as themed pages, so it can get tricky. I create themed pages for different parks, usually Epcot and the Magic Kingdom, where we spend a lot of time and take the most pictures. I also do themed pages of our resort. I do this because a lot of times I end up taking just random picture here and there, on different days. Since we went during the Christmas season, I took a picture of each park's Christmas tree, so they will all be together, and I took a picture of the gingerbread creations they had at different resorts, so those will all go together. You would think that I would run out of pictures to take, since we go to WDW yearly, but I never do!
Tip of the Day: When working on a trip like this, I first lay out the pictures by pages, then I work on one page at a time, starting from the beginning. On the individual page, I first lay out the pictures, then I crop them, and then I design the page, picking out which stickers and paper I want to use. Finally, I adhere everything to the page. Lastly, I journal. I often save the journalling for another day and just work on designing another page or more. I never show anyone, including my husband, any of the pages until the whole trip is scrapbooked.
But that's just me! Scrap Happy!
Tip of the Day: When working on a trip like this, I first lay out the pictures by pages, then I work on one page at a time, starting from the beginning. On the individual page, I first lay out the pictures, then I crop them, and then I design the page, picking out which stickers and paper I want to use. Finally, I adhere everything to the page. Lastly, I journal. I often save the journalling for another day and just work on designing another page or more. I never show anyone, including my husband, any of the pages until the whole trip is scrapbooked.
But that's just me! Scrap Happy!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Phantom of the Opera
My Mom and I were given Phantom tickets for Christmas and we really looked forward to the show. It was worth the wait! As I watched this beautiful production, I kept catching myself with my mouth open! I kept getting chills, and my mom was crying! "How did they do that?" was the question of the night! I love the music, and I managed to watch the whole show without singing. I have the night locked away in my mind, and it will always be a special memory.
Tips of the Day:
Don't bring a camera! You can't take it in! If you must get a picture, have someone take one of you outside of the theater in front of the sign or marquee.
You can save your tickets and the program and write down your memories so that you won't forget a thing. The programs are thick, so here's an extra tip; if you want to include them in your album, go through them and remove the advertisements, and unnessesary pages. Then use photo tape to stick it to your page, or make a pocket to hold it in.
Scrap Happy!
Tips of the Day:
Don't bring a camera! You can't take it in! If you must get a picture, have someone take one of you outside of the theater in front of the sign or marquee.
You can save your tickets and the program and write down your memories so that you won't forget a thing. The programs are thick, so here's an extra tip; if you want to include them in your album, go through them and remove the advertisements, and unnessesary pages. Then use photo tape to stick it to your page, or make a pocket to hold it in.
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
One month down...
February is here and I have a chance to look back and see how I have been doing with my resolutions. Surprisingly, I have kept up with them pretty well! I'm excited to tell you that I lost weight and fit into my jeans! (all except one pair!) I can wear jeans that I never was able to fit into. I'm happy, but still not satisfied. I have been tackling one thing I want to change per week, and I think it's easier that way. The last week, I ate more snacks, and didn't work on any particular thing I want to change. I think it's important for me to write my goal for the week down.
As for scrapbooking, I have been working on my daughter's album, and am caught up to our trip to Disney World in December. I spent hours last night organizing the trip pictures so that I can start on them. I'm always a little nervous when working on vacation pictures, because I want the pages to be perfect.
Tip of the Day: Do you ever have just 2 or 3 photos from an event, but not a whole lot to journal about? I often make a page combining all the different photos and a rundown from the month. One of my recent combination pages was of 2 of my Aunts who ended up visiting us from Arizona with in a month of each other. I made a page which I titled, "Aunts from Arizona" and I'm so happy with the result! The hardest thing was deciding which color paper I wanted to use. The colors in the 2 groups of pictures weren't the same and I had to use something that would compliment all of them. I used a 3 inch wide strip of paper right across the center of the page so that I had the 2 photos of the one aunt on the top and the photos of the other on the bottom. This helped to gently separate the 2. I used letter stickers for the titling and just 2 southern stickers. It's a very soft page. I love it.
Scrap Happy!
As for scrapbooking, I have been working on my daughter's album, and am caught up to our trip to Disney World in December. I spent hours last night organizing the trip pictures so that I can start on them. I'm always a little nervous when working on vacation pictures, because I want the pages to be perfect.
Tip of the Day: Do you ever have just 2 or 3 photos from an event, but not a whole lot to journal about? I often make a page combining all the different photos and a rundown from the month. One of my recent combination pages was of 2 of my Aunts who ended up visiting us from Arizona with in a month of each other. I made a page which I titled, "Aunts from Arizona" and I'm so happy with the result! The hardest thing was deciding which color paper I wanted to use. The colors in the 2 groups of pictures weren't the same and I had to use something that would compliment all of them. I used a 3 inch wide strip of paper right across the center of the page so that I had the 2 photos of the one aunt on the top and the photos of the other on the bottom. This helped to gently separate the 2. I used letter stickers for the titling and just 2 southern stickers. It's a very soft page. I love it.
Scrap Happy!
Sick Days
Last night and today, my daughter and husband were sick. Last night was the longest night of my life! While I didn't take any pictures today, I have in the past taken pictures of my feverish little girl. She just seems so sweet and vulnerable when she's sick, and it hurts me, as her mom, to see her like that. But taking photos is my way of recording her life, the good and the bad times. I remember when my little sister was young and my mom took pictures of her in the hospital. She had little bandages over her eyes and she looked like a bug. The pictures are sad, but they are exactly what I remember my life being like at that time. I'm glad she recorded that.
Tip of the day: My mother took the photos of my sister with black and white film. I think that they capture the feelings and hopelessness we felt looking at her in her hospital crib better in black and white, because there are no distractions.
On the other hand, when I took the picture of my daughter, I used color film, and that's what I would recommend. You wouldn't have been able to see her severely flushed cheeks had I used B&W film, and that would have taken so much away from the picture.
On that note, Scrap Happy!
Tip of the day: My mother took the photos of my sister with black and white film. I think that they capture the feelings and hopelessness we felt looking at her in her hospital crib better in black and white, because there are no distractions.
On the other hand, when I took the picture of my daughter, I used color film, and that's what I would recommend. You wouldn't have been able to see her severely flushed cheeks had I used B&W film, and that would have taken so much away from the picture.
On that note, Scrap Happy!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Scrapbooking the Steeler's Super Bowl Win!
I'm so happy that we won the super bowl! We have a group of us that watch the game together every week, so it was really special to be with them for the big game! I decided to let my daughter stay up for the whole game. We usually try to have her in bed with the lights out at 8pm, so I tried to get her to take a nap right after lunch. I held her, read her a book without pictures, and even took her on a car ride. But she never closed her eyes!
Her little friends left to go home to bed around her usual bedtime, and that's when she came in with us to watch what was left of the game. I'm so glad I let her stay up! I now have some wonderful memories of her really watching the game! I was able to get some pictures, of course!!! I have a picture of her with her arms up in the air cheering at the end of the game. I didn't get it on film, but tucked away in my mind is a shot of her pointing at the TV and yelling along with everyone when her guy, Polamalu recovered a fumble. She really does understand a lot more than I realized about football and the Steelers. The general consenses is that Jaelyn won't remember the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, but I disagree. I think that with the help of pictures, she will remember and be happy that she was there when the Steelers took the Bus to the Super Bowl!
Tip of the Day: During one of the games, I took all the kids outside and took their pictures next to a bunch of golden mums we have in our yard. I then made a journalling box by punching out squares of the mums from extra pictures, and making a frame of them in a rectangle shape. I journalled inside the rectangle. It gave a girly feel to a sporty page!
To make it even more personal, I also punched squares of the kid's faces out, one kid to a square, and put one in each corner of the rectangle instead of the mum squares. I get a lot of compliments on that page.
Scrap Happy!
Her little friends left to go home to bed around her usual bedtime, and that's when she came in with us to watch what was left of the game. I'm so glad I let her stay up! I now have some wonderful memories of her really watching the game! I was able to get some pictures, of course!!! I have a picture of her with her arms up in the air cheering at the end of the game. I didn't get it on film, but tucked away in my mind is a shot of her pointing at the TV and yelling along with everyone when her guy, Polamalu recovered a fumble. She really does understand a lot more than I realized about football and the Steelers. The general consenses is that Jaelyn won't remember the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, but I disagree. I think that with the help of pictures, she will remember and be happy that she was there when the Steelers took the Bus to the Super Bowl!
Tip of the Day: During one of the games, I took all the kids outside and took their pictures next to a bunch of golden mums we have in our yard. I then made a journalling box by punching out squares of the mums from extra pictures, and making a frame of them in a rectangle shape. I journalled inside the rectangle. It gave a girly feel to a sporty page!
To make it even more personal, I also punched squares of the kid's faces out, one kid to a square, and put one in each corner of the rectangle instead of the mum squares. I get a lot of compliments on that page.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Here we go Steelers!
I am so excited that our hometown team is in Super Bowl XL! I'm a Steeler's fan year round, I'm pretty attatched to certain players, and I love seeing the black and gold all over town! Being a scrapbooking freak, I have to document it! I have been taking some pictures of the fans we cheer with weekly during the playoffs, in fact I was blamed for Jerome's fumble! "Who took that picture?" I also was able to get some pictures from the pep rally at Heinz field. My daughter still isn't old enough to understand exactly what is happening. She recognizes some jersey numbers and players, knows that they are in Detroit, and sings an adorable rendition of "Here we go", but I know she can't possibly understand what the super bowl means! Someday, when she is older, she will. Then she can look back at the photos and see how cute she looked in her Polamalu jersey, and remember all the fun she had playing with her friend Zack while the adults all watched the game.
Tip of the day: Over the years, I've done many pages of us being fans.
*One idea for pages are to copy the black and yellow bands that are on most Steeler jerseys and use that either running across the bottom or top of the page, or lengthwise along the outside edge.
*I saved confetti from the last home game at Three Rivers stadium, and included it right on the page. I often save my ticket stubs and include them on the page of us at the game.
*CM has football stickers, as well as metallic paper, which has a true gold I love to use. I also like the metallic pen set's gold used on black pages.
* Freehand draw your team's logo. I also copied the label of a Heinz ketchup bottle for a page title.
* Titles: Sports fan, Tiny Football Fan, The Love of the Game, Defense-Offence-Fans behind the fence, Cheering for the Home Team!, Luv our Black & Gold!
* places to take pictures of your favorite team or fellow fans:
the stadium, they let you bring in a regular camera, but not a video camera!
Training camp
autograph signings, often there will be a sign or someone telling you that you can't get photos of you with the athlete. However, you are allowed to take pictures while they sign their autograph, so do that. You might even be allowed to go around behind the autograph table and have them take a picture of you as the autograph is being signed. The key is to being fast! They are only trying to keep the line moving!
Charity events
Wherever you normally watch the game
Scrap Happy! Let's Go Steelers!
Tip of the day: Over the years, I've done many pages of us being fans.
*One idea for pages are to copy the black and yellow bands that are on most Steeler jerseys and use that either running across the bottom or top of the page, or lengthwise along the outside edge.
*I saved confetti from the last home game at Three Rivers stadium, and included it right on the page. I often save my ticket stubs and include them on the page of us at the game.
*CM has football stickers, as well as metallic paper, which has a true gold I love to use. I also like the metallic pen set's gold used on black pages.
* Freehand draw your team's logo. I also copied the label of a Heinz ketchup bottle for a page title.
* Titles: Sports fan, Tiny Football Fan, The Love of the Game, Defense-Offence-Fans behind the fence, Cheering for the Home Team!, Luv our Black & Gold!
* places to take pictures of your favorite team or fellow fans:
the stadium, they let you bring in a regular camera, but not a video camera!
Training camp
autograph signings, often there will be a sign or someone telling you that you can't get photos of you with the athlete. However, you are allowed to take pictures while they sign their autograph, so do that. You might even be allowed to go around behind the autograph table and have them take a picture of you as the autograph is being signed. The key is to being fast! They are only trying to keep the line moving!
Charity events
Wherever you normally watch the game
Scrap Happy! Let's Go Steelers!
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