All you Need is Love

All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Autumn is here!

I have tried unsuccessfully to write this blog at least 3 times over the last few days! Computer problems! I have been watching the changing leaves, fearing that I'll forget to look for a couple of days and they will have all fallen to the ground! I want to get some pictures when they are at their most brilliant this year!

Tip of the Day: Cm has a new leaf punch, although I did hear a rumor that they have run out! I have one, and let me give you some page ideas I like and have tested! I punch leaves in the various fall colors and pile them in a corner of the page, or I create a huge tree out of brown paper, it can even be a 2 page spread, and attatch the little leaves to it's branches. I made a painter's pallet, and punched out leaves to put on it as if the leaves were the paint puddles normally found on a pallet. I used the page title," The colors of Autumn". Attatch leaves directly to the page and use a pen to make it look like the leaf is falling. Simply use thin dash marks in a light path from the top of the page to the leaf. Don't make a straight line from the top of the page to the leaf, make it look as if the leaf is lazily floating to earth by adding some loops.
Scrap Happy!


  1. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Creative Memories still has the leaf punch you were talking about. I just bought one. My guess is that they will probably have it through October.Some consultants are only making it available at Croptoberfest, so I was lucky to get one!

  2. I've had other leaf punches, and this one is A LOT easier to use. You don't break your hand using this one!
