All you Need is Love
Mother's Day 2013
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Day 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Scrapping break?

This is a picture of me, taken by my 4 year old while we were shopping at Disney World.
Well, I haven't done a thing having to do with scrapbooking since I've been back from my vacation! There is just too much to do to get ready for Christmas! I have been getting pictures back from being developed, and I am pretty disappointed with most of the ones I took at night. My camera is dying on me, and I am so sad to see it go. I love it, but it was acting very strangly on our vacation, trying to open when we would close the front, and even having to readjust itself, when it opened up. Sometimes, I don't think that it is it focuses properly. And right at the end of the trip, my daughter dropped it onto stone. Now the flash is eskew. So, guess what I'm getting for Christmas?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
From Florida to BRRRRRR!!!!
Disney has a new program that allows you to purchase a CD of all of the professional pictures you have taken during your trip, giving you the rights to those pictures. We decided to do this, and now I have plenty of pictures of our whole family from the trip, and lots of us with the characters. It's nice to know that I will be in a lot of the pictures for this trip!
We had a wonderful time, and I didn't want to come home! Our resort was amazing, we had a lot of magical moments, and had time to swim, relax and visit almost all of our favorite characters! It's late, and I'm tired, but I just wanted to stop in to say, "Hi, and I'm back!" I'll put pictures up here and there, and will start working on that album as soon as I get all of the pictures!
Monday, November 27, 2006
My husband/photographer

I have to say, that although my husband doesn't take nearly the amount of pictures as I do, he usually does get great shots! I am going to brag on him, and show some of his shots off! I'm the photo person, always asking people to take our picture as a family, so that I can be in the album, too. I also tell Will when I want a picture taken of a certain thing. I've learned that all I need to do is ask, because he just isn't thinking through the camera like I am! That is not in any way a negative thing! This love of taking an insane amount of pictures that I have is (to quote Monk) "both a blessing and a curse". I feel as though I should always keep my camera close at hand so that I don't miss a thing! If I go to an event without my camera in tow, I am seeing the shots I missed. If I do have my camera, I am always thinking of pictures to take!
These pictures are : My daughter asleep in my arms, watching the Indiana Jones Stunt show, and my "King of the World" moment!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Gramma's letter
After I burst into tears, my daughter came to my side and she was crying, too, even though she didn't know why I was. I tried to tell her that I was just afraid my gramma wouldn't be around for very much longer. She went to get me a tissue, and we cried together for a minute. Later, I was replacing the pictures in the living room frames, putting Christmas photos in them and I came across a page of my gramma's last visit to Pennsylvania. So I showed it to my daughter, who probably doesn't remember Gramma, since she is so young.
The end of the letter was what got me. She wrote for me to save this letter, so that I'll have something to remember her.
My mom, an avid scrapbooker, is currently working on an album of Gramma's life. I'm so glad! I think that my gramma will really enjoy looking at it, and finding herself again in the black and white pictures of that young girl.
Will I save the letter? Absolutley. And I will most likely cry every time I read it. Will I need a letter to remember her? Not at all. She is in my heart. :)
Scrap happy
Thursday, November 23, 2006
my invention

When I look back over years of photographs, I realize that the ones I like the best are either close ups or candid moments, when I caught that honest, open moment in time on film. I think that I have become a better photographer. The more pictures I take , the more I learn. I feel as though I still don't totally understand how to use my camera! If only I did! If only I had a camera attatched to my eyes, and I just had to touch my temple to capture the life I'm viewing, with out having to run and miss the moment. I missed one such moment this weekend. While watching the Steeler game with good friends, my daughter begged me to get the nutcracker down from the mantle so that she could show him to everyone. She has this fasination with him, and I think it's because of the Barbie "Nutcracker" ballet movie. So, we took him down to share him, and we noticed that one of our friends has similiar facial features to Mr. Nutcracker! Seriously, we held it up next to his face, and their profiles were nearly identicle! However, by the time I ran upstairs to get the camera and back downstairs, the moment was gone, our friend was embarrassed, and felt badly that we thought his nose was as large as the nutcracker's nose. If only I had the head camera!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pies and pictures

To be truthful, my life has been too busy to scrapbook, so I haven't! I did make my famous pear pie tonight, as well as a pumpkin pie, and I have almost completed all of my Christmas shopping! I'm in a pretty good position though. I realized, while talking to a friend, that I don't want to get too caught up in my album- making, because I won't have anything to do on the retreat in March! I don't take many pictures in November, however I do take a lot in December, when we annually visit Disney World and celebrate Christmas! So, this is the time of the year when my pictures pile up fast, and this is when I get behind!
Tip of the day: Make sure to store the blades for the cutting system properly. If you don't close them up, the blades can get bent slightly, which will affect the cutting. This seems especially true for the 12 inch trimmer. If you do damge your blades or find that they have lost their effectiveness, you can purchase refill blades.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Scrapping! (if you get time!)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
I was booking this weekend, particularly Friday! I completed at least 20 pages over the 2 days! I'm pleased with myself! This is the 4th album I have done for this girl, so I can even recognize her from pictures of her back. I have made this album her last. It consists of piles of photos that I couldn't put into order by the date, because I didn't know it. It is turning out terrific, though. I did a wedding page using teal diamonds as a border to match the colors of the bridesmaids, of course. I did a border of pink with circles punched in it and put circles of water in each circle to go with the pool theme. I have created simple pages, quickly. I'm also trying to fit as many pics as I can onto one page, provided they go together. I want to try to finish all of the pictures I have left, in this final book. The neatest thing was finding my yellow brick house way in the background of one of the pictures! To match the floral arrangement on one page, I used a bunch of flowers and clumped them together. I try to match the colors of the people's clothing because many times, I'm not even sure what is happening in the pictures! I wasn't there! But it is coming along. How I would love to have it completed and delivered by Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Textured paper

Hey guys! I finished that album, yay! The last 13 or so pages were easy, and I like them a lot more than most of the others. This was a trip album, so the scenery changed often. Still, I found myself using a lot of reds, greens and browns. I managed to use only one full sheet of paper, and a lot of scraps. I probably used one sticker per page, and more on some than others.
Tip of the Day: I am so excited about this one! I wanted to try and design textured paper to match the wood on the one page I was doing for this book. I cut a wide border out of CM paper and used my 12 inch trimmer and multipurpose tool. I laid the paper on the tool, just as I would if I were going to trim it, and I used the multi-tool to follow the groove all the way from the top of the paper to the bottom. (just as I would normally use the blade to cut it, only I used the tool instead, so it merely dented it!) I did this every centimeter, giving the paper a ridged effect. The hard part was adhering it to the page! I found that I needed to use a lot more tape runner to keep it from arching. But it really looks cool! I can see myself experimenting even more in the future!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Taking 3rd
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Please come home soon

In a lazy moment today, my 4 year old went over to the cabinet where we keep her albums and chose one from among the 10 I have made chronicling her life. It was no easy feat for someone who weighs just under 35 pounds to pull out her 12x12 album, so I helped her and asked if she wanted to look through it together. We read it like a storybook; a storybook all about her. What better way to build a child's self esteem?
We turned to a page from April of this past year, 2006. It is a happy page, done in various shades of brown. The title, made to look like dogtags, reads," Fuzzy/ Hero". This is the page about my brother's homecoming from the war in Iraq. It was just a short visit, but this was the very first day of that leave, and you know how full the days look ahead on the very first day of a vacation or visit! The pictures show my brother and my daughter interacting, completely blissful to be together again. I didn't have much journaling on the page, and as I finished reading, she leaned over and gave his picture a kiss.
I don't have to tell you how it felt to witness this. There has never been a period of shyness when my daughter sees her Uncle, although they really don't get to spend much time together. I credit this to the pictures she has of them together, having a good time. They keep her familiar with him. The reason he joined the Army in the first place was because of her existance. He wanted her to be able to look up to him. He wanted to make something of his life. Well, he has made something of his life. And not only is his niece proud of him, his whole family is proud.
Scrap Happy
Monday, November 06, 2006
Bursting with NEW!
I also have been creating a digital scrapbook, but one that I can hold in my hands, and flip through it's pages. It's the new Creative Memories Storybook, and it is going to make my job of scrapping other people's photos obsolete! I'm very happy about that!The Storybook program is relatively easy to use, even for an amateur like myself. I'm not the best at computers! If I didn't love scrapbooking so much, this would be the way to go. It is a lot faster, and the books end up being so much thinner and lighter than an album. Still, there is something thereputic about designing, punching, cutting, cropping and sticking those page elements and pictures on the page with your hands!
I know it feels like spring is really far away right now, but I have already opened up the sign up for the retreat in March! I have gotten a lot of favorable response, and one person signed up yesterday. If you have not been to a workshop, then you don't know a lot of the details about my very first retreat! I'm so excited about it! We will have our own building, which means we can scrap in our pajamas if we so desire! It's about an hour away, on beautiful grounds! It is the most peaceful place. (sigh) Each of us will have our own room and private bath. Each room has access to a balcony or deck. The retreat is from Friday, March 9th and all day Saturday, March 10th, 2007. We will discuss what to do about dinner on Friday later, but all of Saturday's meals will be provided. The retreat houses 9, and since I'm also going, that leaves 8 spaces! It's first come, first going! Once we fill all of the spots, (which I'm sure we will) the option of staying in the dorm style rooms will be there, but you will be in a different building. Reserving your spot in the retreat house is easy! Simply come by and pay the $85 and write your name down. Then you will be paid in full! There will be exclusive gifts given out, and I promise that you will leave with your soul uplifted, memories made and many pages scrapbooked!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Make an album for yourself!

I got to work on the album I am making for someone else last night. Actually, I cropped pictures. Although she had given me the photos in order, with post its stating the date, I am still having trouble with this album! It is simply HARD to do someone else's album! For instance, when all of the photos don't fit on a page, I know which ones of my own I can live without and exclude them from the album. I don't know which pics other people could do without!
Secondly, I create albums in packages, starting with the most simple one which only includes the album and no extra pages. She has given me a box of pictures, but doesn't want to add to the page amount. When I told her they wouldn't all fit, she said that was fine, just to pick the ones to put in. This is hard, once again. It is just hard to make other people's decisions for them.
The good news is that I have only one book to do after this one! YAY! Now that Creative Memories has the Storybooks, I no longer feel that I need to provide this feature in my business. Now I can focus on my daughter's books and when hers are kept current, I might be able to get back to the albums I had started for my husband and I! I am actually thinking of using the Storybooks for us as well, and putting my favorite pictures into a Storybook, so that when my daughter takes her 45 albums with her as she goes, I'll have something as well.
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Harvest Party
I took along my video camera, knowing that with all of the running around, it might be impossible to get a good picture of my daughter, and that I could toss whichever pictures didn't turn out, rather than wasting my film. That is exactly what happened, although I did find myself taking even more pictures than normal, knowing that I could pick and choose from the best!
The party had carnival style games, such as basketball, ski-ball, fishing and pick a duck. At each booth, they also gave out candy. They also had candy hidden in a huge amount of leaves, which the kids took turns going through! On top of that, they had air filled giant slides, and bouncy houses, bingo, free food, drinks and funnel cakes, and face painting! They had separate sections for preschoolers and older kids, but since my daughter is 4, she was able to participate in many things. My favorite thing there was the life sized Candyland game! Kids drew giant, colored cards, and moved themselves instead of a token, along a game board by jumping from one colored square to the next! The candy props were higher than my daughter's head! Best of all, near the end, the cards all say to go to the candy house, where of course, the kids pick some candy. Since my daughter was first, I think she felt like she won. It was created in a way to make all the kids playing feel like winners! When I asked my girl what was her favorite thing about the party, the answer was not at all what I expected to hear! She said," Eating chips with you, Mommy."
Editor's note! All these pictures were accidentally erased by my husband with one wrong push of the button! They live on only in my head!
Tip of the Day: Christmas is near! This is the time to beat the rush and get your personalized Christmas cards printed. Sam's club prices look pretty good, and I have used Walmart in the past, and was pleased with both the quality and the value.
Scrap Happy!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Life and scrapbooking
Other than that, we had a busy couple of days around this house! We attended an 80's party on Saturday, and that was something I had to capture on film! My friend Ann dyed her hair purple and had it spiked up in the air, all over her head! It was fabulous! I found that as I got dressed for the party, I found myself reverting back to that decade! I immediatly needed a stick of gum, and used words such as "like"and "sike" more often. It was fun to be with friends, having a lipsynk contest and making rinky dinks!
Our last big adventure was my daughter's princess room. My husband has been working on this room for MONTHS! In fact, I just came across the "Before" pictures yesterday! He has done such a great job, really! He's very good at painting. I wasn't really able to help with the labor until recently. He let me do a lot of the finishing decorating. It was nice to be up there working together to complete the room. We just showed it to her tonight, and she was thrilled! However, I found it near impossible to get a picture of her because she was so excited and didn't stay in one place for long enough to capture her on film! This is where the digital camera comes in handy! My husband was able to get some good shots with the video camera, and we looked at them right away, so I know that some of them turned out. As much as I take pictures, I still don't want to blow all of my film and not feel that I have gotten the perfect shot. (Or even a passable one!)
My new scrapbooking project is an album I'm doing for someone else. I hope to complete it pretty fast, as it will only be 30 pages.
Tip of the day: I often will get out of the habit of closing my cutting system blades each time I use them. Two reasons to close up the blades every time you are done using them are: you can get a nasty cut from those sharp blades and you can bend the tip of the blade if you don't have it protected. Both have happened to me. So, take the few extra seconds, and close up your blades!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Autumn Layouts

Last year, I made sure to do everything fallish with my daughter that I could. I took her out to play in a pile of leaves, went for walks with her to find the most unusual leaves we could, had her dig the innards out of her pumpkin to make salty pumpkin seeds, and showed her how to make caramel apples! We had a great time, and the proof is in the album! To complete my pages, I opened up a pack of paper (shades of amber) and found that I loved it! The colors were just what I needed, and I liked that there were a few patterned sheets of paper in it. One page I was especially happy with was a page of her making carmel apples and digging out the pumpkin's seeds. I hate to combine the 2 activities, so I separated the page softly by covering half the page in paper. I covered the bottom half of the page, because I wanted it to look like caramel. On the top half of the page, which was still white, I placed the pics of my daughter making and eating the caramel apples. I cut one of the pictures into a circlular shape and matted it in green. I made a stick for this "apple" by cutting it out of paper. I had it just barely being dipped into the caramel of the bottom half of the page! The caramel half was where I did the journaling and placed the pumpkin gutting pictures. I love this page! I need to figure out how to get pictures from my digital video camera onto this blog so that you can see it for yourself!
Here is what I journalled on this page: I really want you to get to experience the different seasons and the fun activities that go along with them! We made pumpkin seeds by taking the seeds out of you and Daddy's pumpkins, soaking them in salty water & baking them. They were too salty, but we still ate them all!
Tip of the Day: Another page element I used last year, was this: I took a picture of a fall leaf and profiled it, cutting all the rest of the photo away, until just the leaf remained. Then I placed the leaf in the middle of the page. It's striking! I actually did this on a 2 page spread, with one leaf in the center for each page. One page was the usual white, while the facing page was black.
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Great Gathering and then some!
I'd like to share exerps from some e-mails I have already received.
thank you again for an enjoyable day with good people and creative input.
I hope you are not toooo tired.
Thanks again.
Hi Alea,
Just a note to say THANK YOU !!!! You did it again. Another wonderful gift you gave us, your friends and customers. You planned a wonderful day, put lots & lots of time and thought into blessing us. Everything was so nice, as always. You have a fun-loving heart and we get to benefit from it. Take care.
It is so nice to be appreciated! Thanks!
Upcoming events:
My next workshops:
November 3rd at 7pm $4
November 17th at 7pm $4
Don't miss my Christmas Open House!
Saturday, November 18th
I'll have specials, gifts, and let you scrap for free during the whole open house! Stop by just to shop, or get your free gift, or stay to scrapbook! It's up to you!
If you have been to my open houses, you know how much you get out of them. If you haven't stopped by, you don't know what you're missing!
check my website for times!
It isn't too early to tell you about my first retreat! I'm really excited about it! I just found and booked the retreat center this week, and it is adorable! I will be taking non-refundable, complete downpayments open immediately! It does seem far in the future, being that the retreat isn't until March 9th! With the way time is flying, it will be here before you know it! Space is limited, so if you want more details, please e-mail me at .
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Changing Colors

On the latest beach vacation, I took both black&white and color pictures. I used black& white film and when I wanted to take color pictures, I simply used our digital camera that is in the video camera, or the water camera I had brought with us this year. Let me just say that I loved having the water camera, because I never had to worry about keeping it out of the sand and surf. Since then, I've discovered that it doesn't cost any more to get your digital photos printed in B&W, which is really cool! I'm new to the whole digital thing, bear with me! I like putting both color and B&W pictures on the same page. In fact, I have just gotten pictures printed in Sepia for the first time, and I can't wait to put those on a page with my color pictures. The Sepia pictures are from the train ride we took. I only had 2 printed like that, because it looks so old fashioned and works perfectly with the train theme! OH, I lOVE IT!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Pumpkin Patch Memories

Happy Autumn! The air is chilly, the leaves are reddening and falling from the trees, and the sweaters are coming back as well, so it really must be fall! I don't mind because I like Autumn! It's good weather for scrapbooking. I just got these pictures of our day at the pumpkin patch today, and I now have another roll of film to scrap. It shouldn't take me long. I am so happy with these pictures! Sometimes, you get a roll back and feel that you wasted it, only a few of the pictures came out. Even with a digital camera, sometimes you can't get the picture you are trying for. I know! This day was cloudy, which is good for picture taking. I wore yellow on my daughter, because I was thinking of how nice it would look with the pumpkins. I was seeing things in pictures, which I can't always do. I like it when I can. This way, I took the pictures from the perfect angle for the shot, and was able to capture things I usually just miss, because I had my camera always at the ready. It was a beautiful day of memories, and I'm just thankful that the pictures captured that.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
YAY! I'm done!
Friday, October 06, 2006
What I'm up to
October is usually a slow month for picture taking for me. The roll of film being developed is mostly of the pumpkin patch. I do plan on taking some this weekend, as Jae is going to her friend's birthday party, where they will be taking a train ride! How awesome is that?!
Tip of the Day: If you want to save the life of the battery in your camera, remove it from your camera when it isn't in use.
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Expand your horizons
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Bright Garden

My local library is hosting a photography competition. Are you interested? It costs just $5 to submit a photo. I want to do it, mostly to support the library, because I use it so often. Plus, I think I take pretty good photos sometimes. That said, I did one page yesterday. Yeah, one. I managed to fit 8 pictures on a single page, and not have it look too crowded. I used an idea I think I've mentioned here before, but it's been awhile! The pictures are of my daughter and her gramma's garden. The colors are fantastic! Bright lime greens and Hot pink! I made a seed packet out of green paper and have some seeds falling out of it. The seeds are actually accent marks from the ABC stickers. I've been waiting for an appropriate place to use this idea for quite a while. I didn't have to journal much because the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Plus, I didn't have a whole lot of room left! The seed packet doubles as a title. I used ABC stickers to write right on top of it.
Well, the library photo contest is soon! If you live nearby, and know me, call or e-mail me for info on it.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Sandy pages

I did some pajama scrapping last night, laying out pictures for all of the pages I have yet to do. I ran into a slight problem, as always! Creative memories is coming out with gold flecked pages! I saw them and thought that they would look perfect with my beach pictures! My problem? They don't come out until October and I can't order right away because I am waiting until I get a few more orders. Soooo...I laid out the pictures and even planned out 2 pages, which was more time consuming than if I had just put them on the page to begin with! I'm just afraid of getting behind. I'm so close to being caught up with her album, I can taste it! I'm going to see if someone can order a pack of pages for me. Until then, I wait!
Tip of the Day: Did you know that CM is coming out with an album that you can make using pictures you have taken digitally? I have seen one, and it was beautiful! The quality was incredible! It's like a book, a picture book. You can fit more pages into it than you can in a 12x12 album, but it is smaller (8 1/2 x 11) and is so light to carry and show off! I might make myself a Disney album, since I had to stop scrapping for myself a while ago. I can use the photos I sent to Snapfish to make this. It's exciting!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Please respond!

Because I take so many pictures and do so many albums for my only child, I find myself thinking," What am I doing!?" Is there a point where you must realize that you can't save every moment? Am I taking too many photos? What am I going to do with all of these albums? We will need a U-haul just for her albums when she moves out if I continue to create 2 (or 3 like last year) for each year of her life. She will have 24 albums when she is 12! What do you think? I love to take pictures of her, and I admit, I am trying to keep track of everything. I also love to scrapbook them! But when is it too much? Is she going to think the world revolves around her? When is she going to have the time to look through all of these albums? I'm happy with the one album I have that covers my entire childhood, from birth to graduation! Sure, I don't know when I said my first word, took my first step, or funny things I said as a kid. But is all of that really going to matter? I know that having these albums is bound to give her a sense that she is loved. However, I don't want her to forget anything that didn't make it into the album. Meaning, I don't want her only memories to be the ones in the pictures. I hope that she won't ever be embarrassed that I made so many and wrote down everything. I hope that she will know how priceless she is to me. I realize that eventually, the pictures will slow. She will go off with her friends and I will be lucky to get a shot of her on her birthday and Christmas. I know that this time won't last forever. Maybe that's why I'm holding onto it so tightly!
Please let me know what you think!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
childhood moments

I couldn't help but take pictures of my daughter playing at the creek with her friends yesterday! They found a frog and everyone got a chance to touch it's slimy, wet skin! The look of delight on my daughter's face as she pet it, was priceless! Then there was the log that everyone walked across one at a time. She did very well in her flip flops! Sometimes I wish that I could go invisible, to take pictures without letting the other person know I was taking them. She tends to either turn away or stop what she is doing to pose for me. I wanted to get that look of pleased concentration that her face showed as she held her arms out and crossed that log, all by herself!
Tip of the Day: I have been toying around with the idea of doing a page with cartoon- like qualities. I'm not sure how to go about that, but it is a novel idea, and one I have never used in my album before!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Red, White and Blue

It was workshop night last night, which means I actually got to scrapbook without feeling guilty that I wasn't washing clothes or dishes or cleaning anything! We had a nice little group of us, and it was business as usual, everyone adding ideas when asked, and small talk getting passed around with the peanutbutter cookies. We are somewhat like a support group of sorts, listening to each other's stories and venting about work. One of us, who spent most of the evening sorting her pictures, got so much joy from them, that she would randomly burst into laughter! We then pass the picture around as she explains the laughter. Those are the things you don't even need to journal, the sunglasses, the pointing at the bum, the weird expressions you see as a sibling looks at your album. Thanks for sharing! :)
I finished the 4th of July, with one minor bump! I skipped a page and didn't want to take the stickers off of the completed page, so I had to do one page out of order. That kind of thing drives me crazy. But it really doesn't matter in the long run, right?
Tip of the day: Patriotic page idea
I quartered a page using dark blue and red and cream checkered squares. I matted my center picture with a complimentary red and used copper to journal. It really seemed to give it a 4th of July BBQ feel to the page. My biggest problem turned out to be the title. I couldn't find letter stickers in a shade that would work, and the copper wasn't really what I wanted either. Oh, well. That's what happens when you are working with two strong colors.
Scrap Happy!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Be a Star!

I'm working on the 4th of July weekend. No, this isn't an old blog you're reading, it's brand new! What I mean is that I'm working on the pages of the fun things we did that weekend! I feel like I'm pretty much out of ideas of patriotic pages. But you never know when something you have seen or read somewhere will pop into your head and you will have your page layout! My inspiration came from the last crop talk I gave at my last workshop! At the time, I really liked this border they showed, made completely out of punched stars. With the 2 makers, there are 4 different sizes of stars to choose from and if you use the green micro maker, that gives you another style of star to choose from. So armed with the makers, I set about punching out stars using several different shades of red and blue, and plain vellum. I used scraps, too, so that was an added bonus. I then layered them in red, white and blue on the borders of 5 pages. Then I laid my pictures out and stuck some of the extra stars in the bare spaces as decoration. I am pleased with the finished result. It is close to an idea I used last 4th of July, but not identicle, so I think I can get away with it.
Tip of the Day: When you are doing something like this, (mixing red, white and blue) don't just pick out your paper based on color name alone. All of your different shades of blue should be in the same family. They should be cohesive, harmonizing, just like you want your family to be! If you use reds that clash with one another, it is taking away from your precious pictures. The thing that took me the longest was picking out several shades of red that would look good together, as well as fit my vision for the page, which was somewhat vintage, darker hues. I wanted my pages to look timeless. If you aren't sure if a shade works well with the others, don't risk using it!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Power Pallets
Tip of the Day: If you are disappointed in any way with Creative Memories or a product, let them know! They have a place for you to do this, via e-mail. Simply go to the website and look for the comment section. This is what I'm going to have to do about the power pallets not being marked in the catalogs. If we don't give feedback, they will never know!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tip of the Day: Please! For the love of scrapbooking! Learn from my mistakes so that you don't have to make your own!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Did I complete my goal !?!
If you remember, I was also hoping to complete the journaling of our Disney trip from last November. Truthfully, I didn't even open that side of the bag! I was biting off more than I could chew hoping I could complete both! I am glad that I finished the Disney trip's pages in time to take them to the beach, and I'm very happy with the journaling I was able to complete!
Tips of the Day: Knowing I was going to be journaling the cruise, I wanted to take all of my notes, the pages of our passporter (a book we wrote in daily) and things like the Navigator (which we recieved nightly telling us about the next day's activities) and maps of the islands. These are things I wanted to save and will eventually put in my album in portrait pages. To keep everything orderly, I used a file mate. I simply put them in the file mate to keep them in one place as we traveled. It worked perfectly! I'd recommend it!
Another thing I did, was bring along a pack of post it notes. When I knew I would have to look something up later on, I wrote a short note, " date?", "spelling? (and then the word I was unsure of) " ,"name of Will's horse?"and "how many times?". Just enough to trigger my memory. This way, when I leaf back through, putting page protectors on, I can find the spots I missed easily. Watch that you don't put the sticky part on a photo. Don't leave it on a page for a prolonged period of time, either!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 25, 2006
I did it...almost!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
midnight snack
Tip of the Day: Stickers need to be used with in 2 years of when they are purchased, for best results and stickiness!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Disney scrapping

I have been scrapping our vacation to Disney (last December) and since I am making simple pages, I am really making headway. It's really fun to look back and see everything that we did! We had fun. I amjust getting to the day that my husband got food poisoning! Can you believe that we even have a photo of him in the restaurant he ate the ribs that we believe made him sick 14 hours later? Weird, huh? I must be nearing the end of our trip! That kind of did us in. We left early. The new Disney snap pack has patterned paper that I just love! I like to use silly little sayings and take them out of context as page titles. "Seeing Stars" -Disney Stars of course! "Parade with character" -Disney caracters! It's really corny, but I usually use the first thing that pops into my head! Hey, I'm having fun!
Monday, August 21, 2006
just a little note...
I was writing a little note to my cousin, telling her all of the things that we have done this summer. It ended up being a long note! We have really done a lot! I think we packed nearly every summer thing into this one summer! It has been great! The best thing is that it's not over yet! It might take me into the new year to scrap all of these moments, but won't that keep me warmer for longer!?!
Tip of the Day: Your kids can help you journal! Really! Jot down a few questions and ask them. Then put their answers in their album. What was your favorite animal at the zoo? What was the best thing that happened at the waterpark? What was your favorite dish at the family picnic? Write their memories!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Vellum Workshop
We want to have a weekend get away, so that will be my next project! It would be so much fun to have nothing but scrapping on the itinerary for a whole weekend! Spending it with friends would be the icing on the cake!
If you are interested in coming to our get away, please e-mail me!
Keep on scrappin'!
Tip of the Day: We had a crop talk on vellum at this workshop. This prompted one of my friends to use vellum on her page. She had 2 black and white photos of her son, and wanted to put them by themselves on the 12x12 page. But they would have been lost on there by themselves. She had a sheet of patterned paper, but didn't want it to take away from her picture. It was a group effort! We all gave our input and she took what she wanted from our advice and decided to place vellum on the patterned paper, making it softer. All she did was take the patterned paper and size it to the black page so that she left black all the way around the paper. Kind of like a mat. Then she laid the vellum on top of the pattern paper, having cropped it so that there was an even amount of pattern paper showing all the way around the vellum. (Another mat.) Then she placed the 2 pics on, and added just a touch of color with a bucket of sand sticker and a shovel , both off to the inside bottom corner of the page. This way, they draw the viewer's eye in toward the page, and help them to notice the pictures. She added a phrase about dirt, and the page was complete!
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 18, 2006
To a Beautiful Person
He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe, but He chose your heart.
Face it friend, He is crazy about you!
God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
power me up!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
the journaling begins
Anyway, I began the long process of journaling my trip. I got out a pen and notebook, the memories I had written on the trip, and the list that we filled out daily, ( best, worst, we tried... and the weather was...), and I laid out the pages that I have already put photos on. As I write in my notebook what I will later write on my album pages; I look at the album and how much room I have left for journaling, and kind of plan out where I was going to write what. I am not always this anal about it, but I want this album to be as near perfect as it can be because it's really special to me! So far, I have only written in the notebook. It's a long process! I'm combining the notes I've written, the info from our daily lists, as well as things I 'm remembering as I look at the pictures! Whew! Who knew scrapbooking could be so much work!?
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
We are the Champions!
Tip of the Day: When taking pictures at a sporting event, make sure that you use at least 400 speed film. Don't take close pictures through a wire fence or netting such as the one they have behind home plate. Do take pictures of your family watching the game. Ask someone you don't know to take it!
Quote of the Day: "I may be little, but I'm Daddy's biggest fan." - me (used as a page title in my daughter's album)
Scrap Happy!
Friday, August 11, 2006
New Stuff is here!!!!
Tip of the Day: From now on, if you pick up your order from me, you will always get a free gift. I ordered a whole bunch, and that's my new deal!
Scrap Happy!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ready for deportation!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Alea's August Specials
I just wanted to let you know that I have updated my website, so those of you who are friends and clients might want to take a look at that. I have great specials for August listed, as well as my workshop dates. I have been dreaming of my pages and getting even better ideas for that page I keep telling you about, but I haven't been able to get to it yet. Summer keeps me too busy! At least I know that I will be able to scrap this Friday, since I'll be having a workshop! YAY!
Tip of the Day: check out my website...pretty PLEEEEEASE! (just click on it!)
Scrap Happy!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Stuck in the middle with you!
that's right, I was just about to share with you my tip of the day!
Tip of the Day: If you are stuck on a page, and can't find an idea for it, leave it! Sometimes when you come back to it later, the idea will POP right into your head. If that doesn't work, call for backup! Ask a scrapbooking buddy what you should do with a page. Sometimes it's easier to see a page idea on someone else's pages than your own.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Support the front line!
Tip of the Day: It's a great idea to send a soldier a disposable camera. It's an even better idea to include one of those mailer envelopes that you can get from the companies that develop film such as Snapfish. I know there are others, but I use Snapfish and know that they have plastic mailers.The way that Snapfish works is that you (the sender) are automaticly charged for the developing(provided you remember to include one of the forms with your address label on it). They would send them to your home. This way your soldier isn't charged any postage at all. If your soldier has e-mail, you can go to the company's website and send him the pictures. This has worked especially well for my brother and I, since I am doing his album. Even if you didn't know the soldier, but are sending him care packages, wouldn't it be nice to write to him, explaining your idea for him to use the camera to document his time there? You could put it in a little album for him once you got them developed. Then send it in his next care package along with a black pen for him to journal his experiences.
Scrap Happy!
Friday, July 28, 2006
History Lesson 101
Today I drew out a little family tree for my daughter. It's hard to know how all of these relatives are actually related to you when you are 4. I drew each stick figure and wrote their name underneath while explaining who they were and how we were connected to them. She loves this little chart. I have always been interested in my family line. Even when I went to visit my Gramma, I was asking both her and Grandad about names of their parents and grandparents so that I can try to trace my history. Someday, I hope to make an album for Jaelyn of all of her relatives. The hard part would be finding photos of all of them!
Tip of the Day: Write the stories, too! One of my newest clients, Pat, was showing me a copy of a book she created for her brother. She had written interesting things about their family, rumors and truths from the past, and even had some old pictures to go along with whomever she was writing about. That's what I want to do. Not only include photos, but the stories my Gramma's have told me. What a rich heritage we all have if we only ask in time for the information!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Quote of the Day: "Give me the things that burden you, and I'll sustain you. Over time I'll transform your tears to joy, if you'll let me. You'll discover that the memory of the righteous truly is a blessing." God said this in Psalms 55:22, 126:5, and Proverbs 10:7
Scrap Happy :(
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Ramblings from a scrapbooker
I haven't done any scrapping since I last wrote, but I am thinking about it all the time and I can't wait to steal away and "go away" on my cruise for a little longer!
Quote of the Day: "There can be no happiness equal to the joy of finding a heart that understands." - Victor Robinson
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tip of the Day: Just say, "no!" It's hard, I won't deny it, but sometimes it needs to be said!
Scrap Happy!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Still on that cruise of mine!

I finally got to scrap last Friday! Hurray! I am so far behind now. I have 3 books to do for other people, and I'm working on my cruise album. I find myself using a lot of the aqua paper packs, to mimic the carribean water that was so gorgeous. The library has asked me to do an album for them, and I had to tell them I couldn't at this time. I felt so bad, because the librarians there are so great, and I would love to help them, but I simply can't. I had just told my mom that I needed to start saying "no" to things, because I can't do everything and I am worn out from trying. What I need to do more often is scrap, because when I do that, I feel like I am accomplishing something that matters and it's a stress reliever as well.
Tip of the Day: In my quest to leave more room for journalling, I have discovered something I'd love to share! When you are using the 12x12 or larger albums, you don't really want to leave the entire width of the page open for journalling. It's simply too difficult for the album reader to follow. Even when reading with your finger underneath the print, it's so easy to lose your place on the page when you go to the next line. I think this must be why most paper, books, notebooks and such is no wider than 8x10.
Scrap Happy!
Congratulations to Missy on the birth of her second boy, Alex! We miss you at workshops, girl!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Is it over yet?
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Beach in your own backyard
Tip of the Day: When we really go to the beach, I keep my camera in a ziplock bag to stop the sand from getting into it. I pull it out to take a picture and put it right back!
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
First Bike
Monday, June 26, 2006
Gloomy weather
Page idea of the day: I did a sunset page the other day and it looks pretty cool. I used 3 different shades of orange and have the page covered in them, one strip of orange at a time. I placed a little yellow sun, just a circle really at the upper part of the page and I wrote in orange letter stickers on the page. It shows off the pictures of the sunset very nicely!
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Cruisin' along!
Tip of the Day: I am always a very strict chronological order scrapbooker. But for trips, I've found that I need to change my rules just a bit. For instance, in my cruise book, I am doing the pages in order of the days, but I started out with us in port, then the lobby of the ship, our room, and then what we did on the ship that first day. I took pictures of all the towel animals we found in our room and will do a 2 page spread of that later. I have always done this with Disney trips, usually having a few pages dedicated to our resort that vacation, and sometimes pictures taken on different days, but from the same park. This works best for me, because I tend to take a picture here and a picture there, and this is the only way to tie them together.
Scrap Happy!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Summer, Summer, Summertime!
Scrap Happy!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Selling Gramma for Pennies
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
selfish journaling
Friday, June 16, 2006
Writing the Right way
Tip of the Day: The more pens the better! I have every color pen that CM sells, and I use them too! I like to find that perfect color that compliments my page. Here's a secret! Creative Memories pens are changing! They will still be the same pens, but they will be different colors! Remember the pen sets you used to only be able to get from having a party?..... OOPS! I've said too much already!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Fast and Personal
Think out side the box! This would be great for a graduation party, wedding shower, baby shower, Over the Hill party, Congratulations or good-bye.
Tip of the day:
* If you really want everything to match, you could hand out journaling boxes that will match what the person is wearing. That was just too much work for me, not that I thought of it until I was scrapping the pictures. However, I didn't have a problem with matching clothes because the storyboxes are so versatile. It was a toss up with using Tuscany or Vineyard, and I ended up using Vineyard this time.
* Another hint, people don't know what you want them to write, so if you have an idea, let them know. Things like, "When she grows up I think she will be..." or "My favorite thing about the birthday girl is..." "My favorite memory of the birthday girl is when we..." "some wisdom I would like to pass along..."
Scrap Happy!
Monday, June 12, 2006
On a Roll...
I have caught up to her first bike page (Memorial Day)! I have 2 rolls of film to pick up tomorrow though! I also haven't started our December trip to Disney World, which is going to be a major undertaking. But I have finally started my husband's and my Cruise! We went to Walt Disney World for 2 days beforehand, and I have completed that part of our getaway. I stuck to the basics, not allowing myself to crop the pictures any other way than just straight lines. I'm using the largets size album Creative Memories carries for this album. It's 12x15. The hardest thing to get used to is the paper not fitting perfectly. I was surprised to discover that the album pages are actually not as wide as the 12x12 album pages! I chose this sized album because I wanted this album to stand out and because I believed I could fit more into this size per page. I haven't really fit more onto the pages, probably due to the width. Still, I'm having a good time remembering our trip!
Tip of the Day: My newest scrapbooking thing is putting letter stickers directly on top of my photos. I love the funky font stickers! Since they are clear, they make it look like you have printed the words on your photo. You have to be careful not to use anything other than CM products right on your photos though. Even if it "says" it's safe, I don't trust anything other than CM directly on my pictures.
Scrap Happy !!!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
a collection of assorted thoughts!
I have been scrapping my daughter's book and I'm working on her easter egg hunt pages and just finishing them up. I did something a little different this year. I wrote "on the PROWL for Easter eggs" and I decorated with a leopard print paper and some animal footprint stickers to compliment the dress that my daughter is wearing. I still might put some egg stickers on the page, but as of right now, it doesn't look very Eastery!
I like the pages I've done in the last few weeks so much that I spent an hour looking at them and showing them off at my workshop on Friday!
Tip of the Day: Try to think outside the box! I always hear, "I would never have thought to use that sticker there, but it works!" You aren't always going to find the perfect sticker for what you are doing. Sometimes you buy a sticker pack and are stuck with stickers you think you will never use. But you may be able to use them in ways you don't expect. I love to finish a sticker sheet off by using that sticker I have had in my possession for 2 years! What I am trying to say is that there don't need to be flowers in your pictures for you to decorate the page with them!
Scrap Happy!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Save some space!
The pages I have been able to complete, while not many, are pretty darn gorgeous!!! I am so happy with them! I am now caught up through the middle of April of this year, well sortof! I still have not scrapped our vacation to Disney World in November! I have been ordering books from the library, and getting a little bit of inspiration from there. The pages in there are so elaborate that I usually take just one page element idea that I like and use it, and skip all the rest.
Tip of the Day: It's a proven fact that the human eye gets tired and overwhelmed if you have too much going on on a scrapbook page. I know several people who don't like the white pages, but leaving some blank white space on your pages is pleasing to the eye.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Tip of the Day: I ordered books from the library on scrapbooking page ideas and tips and one thing I read really stuck out to me. It said that when you are in a time of zero scrapbooking creativity, revert back to the comfy favorites that get the pages completed. Use ideas that you have used before, just change the colors. For me, I can look back years in my books and copy page ideas that I have used in the past. Chances are that no one is going to sit and look through all 8 albums of Jaelyn in one sitting! Even if they do, they probably wo'nt be concentrating on them as much as I was as I created them. Another good tip is to not be such a perfectionist! No one is going to get out a ruler when they look at the albums you make! Things I notice and pages I am never satisfied with, don't seem to bother other people.
Scrap Happy!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Planning my pages
I have only completed a half of a page! So, I'd better get going!
Scrap Happy!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Satisfaction, (a hey hey hey!) that's what I say!
Tip of the Day: I just did a 2 page spread of kids playing on a backyard swingset. I wrote monkeying around, putting this title in the middle of the page, with "monkey" on one page and "around" on the facing page. I used some cute monkey stickers and bananas to embellish the letter stickers I used, and I was done. One monkey held the "m" in Monkey and the other hung out by the last letter of around. I used the bananas to curve around the "o and e". It wasn't totally an original idea, but it was pretty cute!
Scrap Happy!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Do you want to hear about my cruise!?!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Work it, Baby!
My door is always open to scrapbookers, even if I have company! I had a neighbor drop in for pages and protectors yesterday. I am going to try to finish the 10th grader's album by Wednesday evening, that's my goal! I'll let you know if I do! Can you believe I took 5 rolls of film in April? How much do you want to bet I'll take more than that in just my first 2 weeks of May?!
Tip of the Day: Out of Ideas?! Creative Memories has pages and pages of ideas for free at their website. Poke around a little, and you will be able to focus on a certain theme and look through the actual pages others have done!
Scrap Happy!